My comment:
(a) AIT comes out like a psychotherapist, to whom Taiwanese politicians come to spills their gut out.
(b) 林濁水, 維基解密與搪瓷娃娃. Sept 8, 2011 (in his blog 非典型論述).
"綠卡這件事拖延時日,馬在因應的過程中一錯再錯,一再製造把柄給人攻擊,簡直就和宋楚瑜處理興票案一樣。首先,他偷偷摸摸去拿綠卡就是對他《波士頓通訊》那批死忠同志和讀者乃至「中華民國」,都既是欺騙也是背叛,因為他曾先撰文 [when Ma was a Harvard student] 在道德上批評拿綠卡的留學生是對中華民國沒有信心。
(10) 劉榮,《維基解密》胡志強向美爆料 馬根本排斥long stay. Liberty Times, Sept 8, 2011.
(a) After being indicted on Feb 13, 2007, Ma went to countryside to have "long stay" (no Taiwanese translation) with various families--similar to "listening tour" engaged by an American political before formally declaring candidacy.
(b) 吳秀光 was 民政局長 when Ma was Taipei mayor, and later became deputy mayor of the next Taipei mayor 郝龍斌. All of KMT.
(11) 彭顯鈞、陳璟民, 《維基解密》郝龍斌在家吃美牛 出外反美牛. Liberty Times, Sept 8, 2011.
(12) 彭顯鈞,《維基解密》AIT:金溥聰黨內人緣很差. Liberty Times, Sept 8, 2011.
Note: 小刀 is the epithet of 金溥聰, who has been Ma's confidant.