VOA Chinese, Oct 2, 2011
("塔吉克斯坦外交部今年年初表示,这个数字只占中国所要求归还土地的5.5%。 外交部还表示,'中国在土地问题上的让步显示了塔吉克斯坦的胜利'")
Note: The following old news--because other than VOA Chinese, there is no English-lanhuage news report on this topic--said the same thing.
Tajikistan Cedes Land to China. BBC, Jan 13, 2011.
(1) Chen Wei-ting and Jamie Wang, Belongings of deceased POW guards tell stories of bitter past. Central News Agency, Oct 2, 2011.
My comment:
(a) Taiwan Extrapatriot Veterans Association (TEPVA)/Friends of KHOU, CHIAU-ENG
(b) Until today I did not know there were war criminals among Taiwanese.
(5) Mark Weiner, Missile Defense System Fight in Washington Puts Lockheed's Syracuse-Area Jobs in Crosshairs. The Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), Oct 2, 2011
(the Medium Extended Air Defense System, or MEADS)
My comment:
(a) MEAD is under development. So there is no point trying to know more. At any rate, there is not much out there, including manufacturer' websites.
(b) The Post-Standard
(c) Salina, New York
(The name of the town is derived from the Latin word for "salt"; northwest and a suburb of Syracuse)