Note (Japanese names in the note are written in Japanese Kanji):
(a) 小坂 梅吉 KOSAKA Umekichi
The report described him as 松竹楼的创业者. Actually it is 松本楼 Matsumoto Ro
(founded in 1903)
(b) 梅屋 庄吉 UMEYA Shokichi (1869-1934)
(c) 孫 文 SON Bun
Japanese Wiki listed many aliases, including another Japanese name 高野 長雄. The same Wiki also indicates his second wife was Japanese 大月 薫 OTSUKI Kaoru (1999-1970; marriage 1903-1906), with whom Dr Sun Yat-sen had a daughter 宮川 冨美子 (who was raised by a 宮川 family).
The third wife was 宋慶齢 (1915–1925).
(d) 中山 孝麿 NAKAYAMA Takamaro (1853-1919)
(e) 宫崎 滔天 MIYAZAKI Toten
(f) 犬養 毅 INUKAI Tsuyoshi (1855-1932; prime minister 1931-1932)
(g) 大隈 重信 OKUMA Shigenobu (1838-1922' prime minister: five months in 1898 and 1914-1916)
(h) For 早稻田, see Waseda University
(OKUMA Shigenobu established the predecessor 東京専門学校 in 1882, which was renamed a couple of times; Waseda is after the location of the founder's villa in Waseda Village)
(2) 邹颂华, 香港观察:香港的革命足迹. BBC Chinese, Oct 4, 2011.