(1) Jason Tan, HTC Corp Posts Record Year-on-Year Growth in Q3. Taipei Times, Oct 7, 2011 (available now)
(unaudited net profit grew 68 percent)
Note: There is no need to read the report.
(2) Russell Holly, Best Buy Snafu Prices Flyer at $99. Geek.com, Oct 6, 2011
(3) Press release: Interbrand Releases the 12th Annual Best Global Brands Report; Coca-Cola claims the #1 spot; Luxury brands make a comeback;Biggest-riser Apple enters the Top 10 for the first time. Interbrand, Oct 4, 2011
("HTC (#98) made its first appearance in Interbrand’s Best Global Brands report this year. HTC, a mobile device company that recently shifted from B2B to B2C, is focusing on increasing consumer awareness, establishing partnerships with more established brands and enhancing its digital brand strategy – all of which make it a brand to watch in the year ahead.")
Note: John Murphy, a native of Essex, England, in 1974 in London founded the predecessor of Interbrand, which today has headquarters at Manhattan, nearly 40 offices and is the world’s largest brand consultancy.
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