"再如缅甸,我们决心对那里侵犯人权的行为追究责任。我们密切关注内 比都(Nay Pyi Taw)的局势发展及昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)与政府领导层之间不断增加的互动。我们向缅甸政府强调,必须释放政治犯,推进政治自由和人权,同过去的政策决裂。至于北韩,平壤政权一贯漠视其人民的权利,我们继续有力地公开谴责北韩对地区与世界构成的威胁。
(b) William Lowther, Clinton Asia Article Omits Taiwan. Taipei Times, Oct 14, 2011 (available now)
(Hillary Rodham Clinton, America’s Pacific Century. Foreign Policy, November 2011)
Quote: "Her total omission of Taiwan from the article, titled “America’s Pacific Century,” would seem to be deliberate, rather than an oversight. * * * Taiwan is conspicuous by its absence.
My comment: Secretary Clinton seems to mention almost all nations in the Asia-Pacific except Taiwan. On the other hand, if Taiwan were lumped into quotation 2--for which US consults with China--Taiwan will go berserk.
(2) 中学者吁勿将台选举与对台政策成败挂钩. VOA Chinese, Oct 12, 2011.