My comment:
(a) The report states, "宋楚瑜質疑,馬政府號稱台灣國民所得已達二萬美金,但這個數字與實際狀況不同,原因就是貧富差距嚴重。他呼籲民眾,如果家中每人每月都有五萬元,就去投馬英九,如果對蔡英文處理問題的方式放心的人,就去投蔡,否則就把票投給宋楚瑜。"
(b) Nominal GDP of Taiwan, according to foreign exchange rate, is supposed to exceed $20,000 this year. "家中每人每月都有五萬元" is T$1650, at foreign exchange rate of T$30.3 to $1--making it $19,802 a year. But gross domestic product means the economic output of the nation in a year, and per capita GDP the average economic output in a year. However, output is NOT income, because output has to subtract corporate profit and tax. Put this way, a worker generates $100,000 value of work, but his employer (the company that hires him) must pays shareholders and government (tax, health and unemployment insurances, pension in the form of social security etc) before the company can pay the employee the pre-tax income.
(c) Thus Mr James Soong mischaracterizes per capita GDP.