Note: This is the quote from Liberty Times.
邱燕玲、林恕暉, 郝柏村歌頌戒嚴 「像歌頌納粹 令人髮指」. Liberty Times, Nov 1, 2011
(2) 林恕暉、范正祥、陳慧萍、鄭琪芳、項程鎮, 部會刊登馬廣告 綠︰濫用行政資源輔選. Liberty Times, Nov 1, 2011
("民進黨統計馬政府九月三十日至十月三十日刊登的報紙廣告,發現各部會於三十天之內刊登的半版廣告高達一百四十九則 * * * 若以各報紙廣告最低牌價計算,馬政府各部會花費達四千五百三十萬元" about $1.5m)
My comment: Governments in US do not do paid advertisements. Unfortunately the various administrations of Taiwan, including that of President Chen Shui-bian have thought nothing about it.