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标题: 中国取代德国成为俄最大贸易伙伴 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 11-19-2011 13:58
标题: 中国取代德国成为俄最大贸易伙伴
VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ssia-134171113.html

(2) 杜林, 奥巴马两会温家宝,中国被迫讨论南中国海问题. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... hina-134179303.html
("法新社因此认为,奥巴马总统不顾中国的反对,让本届东亚峰会成功讨论了南中国海争端问题,是奥巴马本次亚太之行的'外交胜利。'  有记者寻问,奥巴马本次亚太行程'言辞激烈,' 是否会让中国军方认为美国是试图遏制中国的崛起。多尼伦回答说,奥巴马总统多次对中国的和平崛起表示欢迎,本次亚太之行所说的任何话,'都与孤立或者遏制任何人无关。' 他说:'美国的目标是实现地区稳定、和平并取得经济繁荣,这符合包括中国人在内的地区各方的利益'”)

My comment: I am curious about "言辞激烈." What is it in English? The above is not a translation, but an English-language report helps.

Dan Robinson, US, China Discuss South China Sea on Final Day of Bali Summit. VOA, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/english/n ... mmit-134167158.html
("sharp tone")

The latter is worth reading.

(3) 奥巴马强调中国调整人民币的重要性. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... hina-134179133.html

(4) Maoists and Wall Street | Long March, Longer Memories; Maybe the revolution is around the corner after all. Economist, Oct 22, 2011.

(a) The report was translated into Chinese:
大圣不在, 毛派分子和华尔街. 花果山, Oct 24, 2011.
http://fruitsmountain.blogspot.c ... nd-wall-street.html  
(b) Zhouwangcheng Square  周王城广场
(c) samizdat (n; Russian, from sam- self- + izdatel'stvo publishing house; First Known Use: 1967):
"a system in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and countries within its orbit by which government-suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed; also : such literature"
(d) bête noire (n; French, literally, black beast): "a person or thing strongly detested or avoided"

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