Compare: 英前首相:中对非援助比西方有效. VOA Chinese, Nov 29, 3011 ... rica-134703823.html
("布莱尔星期二在韩国釜山举行的第4届“援助成效高层论坛”(4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, HLF-4)间隙一个记者会上发表上述讲话。包括美国国务卿克林顿和联合国秘书长潘基文等人,都将出席这个从11月29号到12月1号举行的论坛")
"The extraordinary pace of change takes place against the backdrop of the country's chilly relationship with China. In late September a senior Burmese official wrote a newspaper article urging foreign countries to be patient with Thein Sein as he tried to resolve deeply entrenched political, economic and social problems while keeping at bay military hardliners unhappy with the reform program.
"But tolerance of China's domination has been wearing thin for some years. * * * China's domination has also irked Burma's intensely patriotic military, which does not want to be the pawn or client state of any country. 'This is all about China,' says Bertil Lintner, an expert on Burmese affairs. 'Relations between Burma and China are deteriorating rapidly, and they [Burma] need new allies,' he says.
"Clinton is visiting a country of 55 million people which, in the early 20th century, was Asia's richest nation and a shining jewel in the British empire. Today, after five decades of repressive military rule and economic vandalism, Burma is the poorest country in south-east Asia. Hillary Clinton need only take a stroll around Rangoon to see at first hand the need for change.
My comment: Myanmar could not be "in the early 20th century[] Asia's richest nation." Japan was undoubtedly the richest (though at the peak with a living standard a third of America's). People in Taiwan (as Japan's oldest colony) and the Phillipines (as US colony) both assert the second richest (nowadays the latter has a living standard close to the bottom of ASEAN nations, judged by PPP-adjusted GDP.
(5) Green Dot Versus Red Dot. Strategy Page, Nov 29, 2011
(While the green laser dot can be seen twice as far (50 meters with the naked eye, 100 meters or more via a scope) as red laser; an infrared aiming light out to 600 meters)
(a) Driver's Vision Enhancer (DVE). DRS Technologies, Inc, undated.
(a video clip)
(b) Diagnostic/Retrieval Systems, Inc (DRS) was founded in 1968 by Leonard Newman (whose son, Mark Newman, is the current CEO) and David Gross, two engineers working for Loral Corporation. DRS was purchased by the Italian firm Finmeccanica in October 2008. Wikipedia
"Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Keltz, the Pacific region’s director of strategic planning and policy, told reporters Nov. 16[: T]hree of six F-22 stealth fighter squadrons outside the continental United States are stationed in the Pacific — a National Guard squadron in Hawaii and two in Alaska that rotate to Guam and Japan. In addition, only two C-17 large transport squadrons have been deployed outside the United States, in Alaska and Hawaii. The first Global Hawk, long-distance drone surveillance aircraft deployments were out of Guam.
"There are also two U.S. Navy guided-missile cruisers and seven guided missile destroyers. Also forward-deployed at Sasebo, Japan, is the largest of all amphibious warfare ships; the Essex, which resembles a small aircraft carrier. It carries some 33 aircraft and 1,800 Marines with their own landing craft.
(a) US Fleet Activities Sasebo is a United States Navy naval base, in City of Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture 長崎県 佐世保市.
(b) Sasebo was a rather insignificant fishing village but became the major port for the Japanese navy in its operations in the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, and remained a major naval base to the end of World War II. Wikipedia
(c) Sasebo as place name came from Sasebo as the surname (佐世保 姓/氏), which in turn was after the name of a castle (佐世保城) built in 北松浦半島 by 松浦氏. See 佐世保市の歴史 ... E%E6%AD%B4%E5%8F%B2
(section 1 概説)