The report said "台湾经建会公布了一份政府投资的宇昌生技公司机密文件" on Monday, Dec 12, whose date is now said to be added on to make DPP's Tsai look bad.
My comment: I am totally at loss about the import of this thing, which however seems extremely critical as both KMT and DPP places all bets on the outcome of the KMT attacks along this line. Even in Taiwan--more so in US--bureaucracy is supposed to be neutral in any political fights. So it is puzzling why the head of the cabinet-level agency will hold a press conference with a KMT legislator. I have no idea why DPP or Tsai kept a copy of the document original. In any event, KMT/Ma appear waylaid. Worse, they came out looking like Richard Nixon (nicknamed "Dirty Dick" in 1950 and notorious for dirty tricks).