标题: Washington Post + LA Times [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 12-23-2011 09:08 标题: Washington Post + LA Times (1) Meredith Palmer, When Public Policy Made a Difference: American paintings in China in 1981. Washington Post, Dec 23, 2011 http://www.washingtonpost.com/li ... QAMYrfDP_story.html
("Picture China in the 1970s. Merely to paint or display any experimental works that did not conform to the rules dictated by the government put Chinese artists in serious jeopardy of being arrested for opposition to the state.")
(a) ZHANG Wei 張 衛
(b) SHI yong 施 勇
(2) Keith B Richburg, Guangdong Protests Could Impact China’s Leadership Shuffle. Washington Post, Dec 23, 2011 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... QAJLgWDP_story.html
("Hu Deping, the eldest son of the late reformist general secretary Hu Yaobang, said the problem of farmers’ land rights in this rapidly urbanizing country was 'one of the most important issues' facing China now, and he said the problem was more pronounced in Guangdong, which began the reform process earliest.")
My comment: The report, filed from Beijing, really does not say much. For him to say "could impact" is meaningless, because everything is possible--it is just the chance of happening that matters.
(3) Andrew Higgins, China’s Criticism of US Policy Turns Personal. Washington Post, Dec 23, 2011 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... P_story.html?sub=AR
(Beijing's criticism of Young follows that of former US ambassador Jon Huntsman and his successor Gary Locke)
Two consecutive paragraphs:
"In an unusual public rebuke, the Hong Kong branch [namely Wen Wei Po] of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused U.S. consul general Stephen Young of breaching diplomatic norms and ignoring “solemn warnings” to keep quiet about democracy in what, since 1997, has been part of China.
"The scolding by China’s top diplomat here follows a series of articles in Communist Party-controlled media denouncing Young — who served in Kyrgyzstan during a democratic uprising there in 2005 — as part of an American plot to spread disorder and keep China down.
Note: screed (n; Middle English screde fragment--more at SHRED): "a lengthy discourse"
(i) The "feature" in "Zhang Yimou's 19th feature" is a noun that is defined as:
"4: a special attraction: as
a : a featured motion picture
b : a featured article, story, or department in a newspaper or magazine
(ii) featured (adj): "displayed, advertised, or presented as a special attraction"
(b) Yohei TANEDA 種田 陽平
(c) William CHANG Suk-Ping http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Chang
(張 叔平; of Hong Kong)
(d) ZHAO Xiaoding 赵 小丁
(e) The "hokey" in "hokey exaggerations" is an adjective (First Known Use 1927) that means:
"1: CORNY <the usual hokey melodrama>
2: obviously contrived : PHONY <the plots are tricky but not hokey — Cleveland Amory>
(f) LU Chuan/ City of Life and Death 陆 川/ 南京!南京!
(g) The Japanese surname Hasegawa: 長谷川
(h) Atsuro WATABE 渡部 篤郎
(i) noncommittal (adj): "giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling <a noncommittal reply>"
(j) HUANG Tianyuan 黄 天元