Also known as/spelled in English as Togliatti; is a city in Samara (sometimes spelled in English as Samarskaya) Oblast, Russia.
(b) For 送冬节/谢肉节, see Maslenitsa
(Maslenitsa is the last week before the onset of Great Lent. During Maslenitsa week, meat is already forbidden to Orthodox Christians, making it a myasopustnaya nedelya (Russian for "meat-empty week" or "meat-fast week")
founded in 1737 as a fortress called Stavropol by the Russian statesman Vasily Tatishchev; The city's main claim to fame has been automobile manufacturing by AvtoVAZ's Lada (Zhiguli) car plants, employing some 110,000 people — in cooperation with Italy's Fiat since 1970 and, since 2001, with General Motors
(a) The atlas said, "1960年代,陶里亚蒂兴建了由意大利菲亚特公司设计的俄罗斯最大车厂伏尔加汽车制造厂,并以意大利著名共产党人陶里亚蒂更名."
(i) AvtoVAZ
(is the Russian automobile manufacturer formerly known as VAZ: Volzhsky Avtomobilny Zavod, but better known to the world under the trade name Lada)
(ii) Lada
(The name "Lada" meant "boat" in Old Russian. The Lada badge also depicts a Viking sailing boat)
(iii) Palmiro Togliatti
(1893-1964; leader of the Italian Communist Party from 1927 until his death)