Jonathan Fenby, China Is Deeply Flawed. Its Dominance Is Not Inevitable. The country's success will continue only if its elites initiate the political and economic reforms it desperately needs. Guardian, Apr 6, 2012 ... ance-not-inevitable
("Underlying everything is a serious trust deficit. 'Only believe something when the government denies it,' is a common saying")
My comment:
(a) For UHT milk, see ultra-high-temperature processing
(b) There is no need to read it, for the analysis is familiar. Indeed, we all know China is flawed, what the cures may be, but that cures--or mere attempts to--may very well kill the patient which is China.
(c) On the same day, the British paper has a book review on Mr Fenby's book, Tere is no need to read the review, either; the content of review is familiar.