My comment: Do not listen to the bull_ _ _ _. US takes in unsavory persons, too. (The executive branch so far has not responded to Congressional request for information about Mr Wang Lijun's asylum application.) See, eg,
Jose de Córdoba and Ezequiel Minaya, US to Grill Venezuelan Judge Seeking Refuge. Wall Street Journal, Apr 20, 2012. ... 54320555212742.html(
("A Venezuelan Supreme Court justice who was removed from the bench by the country's legislature for his alleged ties with a purported drug trafficker has sought refuge in the US, where he is giving potentially damaging information to American officials about the Venezuelan government, according to a US official. Eladio Aponte, a former general and ex-chief military magistrate, was being interviewed by U.S. officials on Thursday, two days after he was picked up in an official U.S. government plane from Costa Rica, where he had taken refuge after fleeing Venezuela two weeks ago, according to a U.S. official. Judge Aponte said on TV that Mr. Chávez called him to urge a ruling. 'They are going to squeeze this guy for everything they can get,' the US official said")
Note: Take notice
(a) that neither People's Daily nor Xinhua has published a report to this effect, in Chinese or in English.
(b) Judging from the text of the BBC report (above), the report is based on personal communication with a journalist of People's Daily (motive and veracity unknown): "中国官方媒体《人民日报》的一名记者对BBC表示,中国官员从一开始就隐瞒英国商人海伍德被谋杀的真相。 * * * 曾经担任过《人民日报》重庆记者站的站长助理的 《人民日报》记者韩平藻还说."
Note: The report cites
Malcolm Moore, Bo Xilai 'Responsible for Two More Deaths;' In a bid to quash an investigation into his wife for the murder of Neil Heywood, Bo Xilai had at least seven people seized and tortured two to death, according to a document read out to Chinese government officials. Daily Telegraph, Apr 20, 2012. ... wo-more-deaths.html
(Two former officials attended a read-out on Apr 10, which "alleged deaths of two of Mr Wang's aides")
Quote: "Meanwhile, both sources dismissed speculation that Mr Heywood and Mr Bo's wife were romantically attached. * * * They also said that Xia Deliang, the district chief in Nan'an, was not part of Mr Bo's inner circle.