(a) 中国军方证实一护卫舰南沙意外搁浅. BBC Chinese, July 13, 2012 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... navy_accident.shtml
(半月礁附近海域; "560'东莞'号导弹护卫舰是在南沙群岛东南部边缘的浅滩上搁浅的,是'彻底卡住'”)
(b) John Garnaut, Chinese ship on a rock in a hard place. Sydney Morning Herald, July 14, 2012 (available now) http://www.smh.com.au/world/chin ... 20120713-221cg.html
("The frigate pinned itself to a reef on Thursday at Half Moon Shoal, on the south-eastern edge of the Spratly Islands, and remains ''thoroughly stuck'', according to Western diplomatic sources last night. Salvage operations could be diplomatically challenging, given the vessel appears to have run aground within 200 kilometres of the Philippines coast, squarely within what the country claims to be its Exclusive Economic Zone")