标题: A French Prison of War in WW II [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 7-14-2012 12:24 标题: A French Prison of War in WW II Martica Sawin, When the Artist Went to War. Germany used defeated French soldiers for miserable labor. One of them was a famous painter, who wrote down his experience. Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2012 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 02524133784312.html
(book erview on Jean Hélion, They Shall Not Have Me. The capture, forced labor, and escape of a French prisoner in Wold War II. Arcade, 2012)
detail (n; French, from Old French detail slice, piece, from detaillier to cut in pieces, from de- + taillier to cut — more at TAILOR):
"3a: selection of a person or group for a particular task (as in military service)
b (1) : the person or group selected (2) : the task to be performed" http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/detail
(h) Kommandoführer
* The "kommando" is German noun for command, order.
* The "führer" is German noun for leader, head.
(i) The review mentions "his account of rancid meat and worn-out bodies."
* rancid (adj): "having a rank smell or taste"
* rank (adj): "PUTRID, FESTERING"
* worn-out ((adj): "exhausted or used up by or as if by wear"
(j) Free Zone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Zone
(Free Zone may refer to: The Zone libre, the part of France during World War II to remain unoccupied by foreign troops under the June 1940 armistice between France and Germany)
(k) For nonobjective art, see abstract art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_art
("Abstract art, nonfigurative art, nonobjective art, and nonrepresentational art are loosely related terms. They are similar, although perhaps not of identical meaning")