Note: The report cites
韩晓清, 保钓人士登岛是爱国还是害国. 环球时报, Aug 28, 2012.
(a) From the time I prepared the draft (2:30 EST, today) to now (6:30 PM EST), the newspaper website has deleted it.
(a) The governor of Tokyo said so in an interview with Wall Street Journal:
Tokyo Gov on Island Dispute: I Don’t Want Japan to End Up Like Tibet. China Real Time Report, Aug 28, 2012. ... -end-up-like-tibet/
(b) China Real Time Report highlights the sound bite: "Think of Tibet — it’s now a dependent territory of China. If Tibet wanted to be an Olympic host could it even apply? They don’t have a country. They don’t have a leader. They’ve even lost their culture. All they have is Dharamsala, India, which is where they have set up their government in exile. I don’t want Japan to end up as a second Tibet."
There is no need to read the report itself in WSJ, because he said nothing else (except that he seemed resigned as to S Korea's occupation of Dokdo islands).