(3) Nozomu Hayashi and Kenji Minemura, Beijing Says Woman Involved in Flag-Snatching Incident. Asahi Shimbun, Aug 31, 2012 http://ajw.asahi.com/article/asia/china/AJ201208310070
("The Japanese Embassy in Beijing said that it was notified by China’s Foreign Ministry on Aug 30 that all suspects have been identified in the attack * * * The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has not arrested the suspects, an embassy official said. A final decision on punishment of the suspects and the manner in which it will be announced will likely be made after careful consideration at the Communist Party leadership level")
(a) The title was 一位率性的大使 yesterday morning. By the (yesterday) afteernoon, it became 一位被视为'卖国'的大使 and remains so.
(b) 优衣库 Uniqlo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniqlo
(株式会社ユニクロ Kabushiki-gaisha yunikuro; section 1.1 1949–1994: rise in Japan)
(c) There is no 卖国贼 in Japanese (where 卖 is written as 売 in the first place), which does have 国賊
(i) koku-zoku 国賊 【こくぞく】 (n): "traitor; rebel"
A thief in Japanese is written 賊 【ぞく】 (pronounced "zoku"); 泥棒/泥坊 [どろぼう] (both pronounced "dorobo"); 盗っ人/盗人 (various pronunciations)
(ii) baikoku-do 売国奴 【ばいこくど】 (n): "traitor (to one's country)"
* Other Japanese words for traitors (but not necessarily one who betrays his or her nation):
(A) ura-giri-mono 裏切り者 【うらぎりもの】 (n): "betrayer; traitor; turncoat; informer <裏切り者は国を敵に売った。 The traitor betrayed his country to the enemy>
(B) hangyaku-sha 反逆者 【はんぎゃくしゃ】 (n): "rebel; traitor"