"Japan is China’s second-biggest trading partner after the United States. Japan is also China’s largest outside investor, with Japanese companies directly or indirectly employing about 10 million Chinese, according to a Japanese lobby group.
(a) Ishigaki, Okinawa 石垣 市 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishigaki,_Okinawa
(includes Ishigaki island and the disputed Senkaku Islands territory)
(i) To its west is Yonaguni-jima 与那国島 (108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east coast of Taiwan), where Yonaguni-chō 与那国町, a town with its mayor that is governed directly by Okinawa prefecture, is the westernmost municipality in Japan.
(ii) How come Yonaguni is 与那国? You may ask. I do not know etymology of the name. But the correlation of the pronunciation and Kanji is straightforward.
(A) yo (kana) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yo_(kana)
(B) na (kana) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na_(kana)
Check out the tables in both Wiki pages, to learn from the respective hiragana and katakana were derived from Kanji.
(C) The "kuni" is Japanese pronunciation 訓読 of 国, whose Chinese pronunciation is "koku."
(b) Kazuko MORI 毛里 和子(早稲田大学 現代中国研究所(中心拠点))
(i) The more common Kanji for the surname Mori is 森 (meaning a forest), whose Japanese pronunciation is "mori."
(ii) mo (kana) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_(kana)
(iii) ri (kana) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ri_(kana)
(Both horagana and katakana came from 利.
(c) TDK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TDK
(TDK Corporation TDK株式会社; formerly 東京電気化学工業株式会社; The initials TDK come from the original Japanese name of the company: Tokyo Denki 電気 Kagaku 化学; founded in 1935 to manufacture iron-based magnetic material ferrite, which had been recently invented by Yogoro Kato and Takeshi Takei)
(d) The Japanese surname Misawa is 三沢 probably.
(e) The report cites "Victoria Hui, a scholar of Chinese government and protests at the University of Notre Dame."
(i) The surname Hui is Cantonese pronunciation of 許.
(ii) Victoria Tin-bor HUI 許 田波 (美籍香港人) http://politicalscience.nd.edu/f ... ctoria-tin-bor-hui/
(f) The report quotes "Hiromasa Yonekura, the chairman of Japan’s largest business lobby group, the Keidanren."
For Keidanren, see Japan Business Federation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keidanren
(日本 経済 団体 連合会 Nippon KEIzai-DANtai RENgōkai; commonly referred to as "Keidanren;" current chairman is Hiromasa YONEKURA 米倉 弘昌 of Sumitomo Chemical)
(g) The report also quotes "Kazuo Yukawa, a professor at Asia University in Tokyo."
(i) I can not find the person named Kazuo Yukawa. The surname Yukawa is 湯川 usually.
(ii) Asia University (Japan) 亜細亜大学 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_University_(Japan)
(private, formed in 1941)
(h) The last paragraph of the report is: "'China will remain an important source,' said Satoshi Hashimoto, a deputy director at the trade ministry, 'but we learned that it is dangerous to be overdependent on it.'"
Satoshi HASHIMOTO 経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁 資源・燃料部 鉱物資源課 課長補佐 橋本諭
エネルギー (pronounced as "enerugi"): energy
(ii) satoshi 諭し 【さとし】 (n): "guidance; admonition"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary