"The name 'sockeye' is an anglicization of suk-kegh, its name in Halkomelem, the language of the indigenous people along the lower reaches of the Fraser River (in British Columbia, Canada]. Suk-kegh means red fish."
"The largest spawning grounds in Asia are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula of the Russian Far East, especially on the Ozernaya River of the Kurile Lake, which accounts for nearly 90% of all Asian sockeye salmon production and is recognized as the largest spawning ground outside of Alaska.
(b) The atlas says the bears "eat their fill."
fill (n): "a full supply; especially : a quantity that satisfies or satiates <eat your fill>" www.m-w.com
(c) The atlas states, "The Bristol Bay region is the largest sockeye spawning ground in the world."
Bristol Bay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Bay
(During his voyage through the area in 1778, the famed British navigator and explorer, Captain James Cook named the area "in honor of the Admiral Earl of Bristol" in England)