(a) The BBC report is based on an AFP's English-language report: China-US Ties Face Challenges in Coming Decade. Nov 2.
(b) The seminar was held yesterday (Thrusday, Nov 1) at Georgetown University. The AFP describes Mr Campbell as "flanked [in the panel] by three of his predecessors as assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs. * * * Winston Lord, an assistant secretary of state from 1993-1997."
(4) Edward Wong and Jonathan Ansfield, Grabs for Power Behind Plan to Shrink Elite Circle; Rules to ensure stability make daily life harder. New York Times, Nov 2, 2012 ... ical-committee.html
("Before Mr Hu ascended to party chief in late 2002, he favored a seven-member committee, but he and Mr Jiang failed to agree on the lineup. That resulted in Mr. Hu having to settle for a nine-member committee stacked with more of Mr Jiang’s allies, said Mr Chen [Ziming of Beijing], the political analyst")