一外地小轿车在北京王府井突燃 2人受伤
新华网北京2月25日电 记者从北京市政府新闻办公室得到证实:2月25日14时50分许,一辆外地牌照的小轿车在行至王府井步行街南口时,执勤民警发现该车异常将车拦停。在民警上前盘查时,车内突然起火,被民警及时扑灭。事发时车内乘坐三人,其中二人受伤,已送医院治疗,均无生命危险。经初步了解,三人来京反映个人诉求问题。
王府井是北京有名的商业街。长安街是贯穿北京东西的大街。 新华网英文频道相关报道
Three men set themselves on fire in downtown Beijing
BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Three men set themselves on fire in downtown Beijing Wednesday afternoon, a Beijing government spokesman said.
They sat in a vehicle and ignited themselves around 3 p.m. at the crossing of Wangfujing and Chang'an avenues. It was not known at the moment whether they were dead or not, the spokesman said.
Wangfujing is a renowned street for shopping. Chang'an is the main east-west thoroughfare in the heart of Beijing.
Editor: Lu Yanan
[<a target=_blank href="http://www.ccvic.com/news/zixun/shehui/yaowen/2009/225/2251733316KCAI33K6HCA982C.shtml">http://www.ccvic.com/news/zixun/shehui/yaowen/2009/225/2251733316KCAI33K6HCA982C.shtml[</a>
一外地小轿车在北京王府井突燃 2人受伤
新华网北京2月25日电 记者从北京市政府新闻办公室得到证实:2月25日14时50分许,一辆外地牌照的小轿车在行至王府井步行街南口时,执勤民警发现该车异常将车拦停。在民警上前盘查时,车内突然起火,被民警及时扑灭。事发时车内乘坐三人,其中二人受伤,已送医院治疗,均无生命危险。经初步了解,三人来京反映个人诉求问题。
王府井是北京有名的商业街。长安街是贯穿北京东西的大街。 新华网英文频道相关报道
Three men set themselves on fire in downtown Beijing
BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Three men set themselves on fire in downtown Beijing Wednesday afternoon, a Beijing government spokesman said.
They sat in a vehicle and ignited themselves around 3 p.m. at the crossing of Wangfujing and Chang'an avenues. It was not known at the moment whether they were dead or not, the spokesman said.
Wangfujing is a renowned street for shopping. Chang'an is the main east-west thoroughfare in the heart of Beijing.
Editor: Lu Yanan
[<a target=_blank href="http://www.ccvic.com/news/zixun/shehui/yaowen/2009/225/2251733316KCAI33K6HCA982C.shtml">http://www.ccvic.com/news/zixun/shehui/yaowen/2009/225/2251733316KCAI33K6HCA982C.shtml[</a>