1. 西藏问题的历史 参考文献 https://groups.google.com/group/lihlii/t/bda310a54612cbe0
2. Joshua Michael Schrei: A Lie Repeated - The Far Left’s Flawed History of Tibet https://groups.google.com/group/lihlii/t/f248c0a3c864f7ec
3. 珍稀史料:太原市公安局流出的60年代反动标语 https://groups.google.com/group/lihlii/t/f16f1d858898634d
4. 中国农村改革发源地——小岗村 http://www.jsdj.com/luyou/lyzy/anxgc.htm
安徽省凤阳县小岗村因首先在我国实行“大包干”而闻名全国。1978年末,小岗村18户农民冒着坐牢的危险在大包干协议上按下了手印。 要了解当代的中国,要了解中国的农村, ...
One of the major vows of a monk or nun is to remain celibate, and not have any form of physical relationships with members of the opposite sex. Geshe Michael Roach's current behavior, which involves a relationship with consort Christie McNally , does not conform with this major vow of a monk.
There are some legitimate practices in the Buddhist teachings which involve taking a consort, or partner of the opposite sex. These are almost exclusively reserved for lay persons, and can only be performed by practitioners of an extreme level of accomplishment. There are very few such practitioners alive.