The critical paragraph is the penultimate one: "着艦ワイヤには特殊な材料と技術が必要で、これまで米ロにしか作れなかった。中国側は当初、ロシアから購入する予定だったが交渉が成立せず、自国で開発したとみられる。"
trnaslation: The wire needed to land on a aircraft carrier requires special material and technology. Until now only US and Russia can made the wire. China indicates it first intended to buy from Russia, that negotiation fell through, and that it develops the wire on its own."
So, at least overtly, the Asahi does not express doubt.
Thus, taking a close look at the BBC report, I will say only the unnamed 海上自卫队的技术专家 expresses doubt.
(b) 峯村 健司 Kenji MINEMURA
* mine 峰; 峯 【みね】 (n): "peak"
(c) So far, no English-language news reports or comments--there are few of them--have expressed doubts about Xinhua's veracity.