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标题: 纽约时报遭中国黑客连续数月攻击 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 1-31-2013 13:48
标题: 纽约时报遭中国黑客连续数月攻击
Nicole Perlroth, 纽约时报遭中国黑客连续数月攻击. 纽约时报中文网, Jan 31, 2013

, which is translated from

Nicole Perlroth, Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months; Computer assualts tied to reporting on premier. New York Times, Jan 13, 2013 (front page).

(a) VOA卫视专访陈光诚. VOA CHinese, Jan 31, 2013.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130131/1594503.html
(b) 陈光诚大哥首次探监 坚持申诉陈克贵无罪. VOA CHinese, Jan 31, 2013.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130131/1594319.html

(3) 重庆不雅视频案:雷政富将移交司法. BBC CHinese, Jan 31, 2013.  
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... icials_latest.shtml

(4) 北京警方查扣陕西'房姐'名下房产. BBC CHinese, Jan 31, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... shaanxi_fraud.shtml

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