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标题: 日媒发表'红色的党'团派精英专辑 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 2-19-2013 16:43
标题: 日媒发表'红色的党'团派精英专辑
BBC Chinese, Feb 19, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... hina_redparty.shtml
("报道引述多个中共党内消息人士透露说,前总理李鹏就提出'要不要追问为薄熙来活动鼓掌者的责任,' 追究李源潮曾赞赏过前重庆市委书记薄熙来扫荡重庆黑社会的责任。报道说,其实中共高层中赞赏薄熙来的并非只有李源潮,但因李源潮不同意李鹏的儿子李小鹏升任山西省常务副省长,李鹏对李源潮'有私仇'”)

Note: The BBC report opens with the statement: "日本大报《朝日新闻》周一(2月18日)推出披露中共高层涉嫌贪腐内幕的'红色的党'的新专辑'精英'”)

(a) The latest series (elite) is not freely available online.
(i) (紅の党)エリート:1 胡氏の側近、失墜の闇 要職に抜てき、襲った妻子の疑惑. 朝日新聞, Feb 18, 2013

, which continues from page 1 to page 2:
(紅の党)エリート:1 権力闘争、勢い鈍る共青団 フェラーリ事故の波紋なお.
(ii) (紅の党)エリート:2 崖下の村が故郷、闘争と無縁の10代. 朝日新聞, Feb 19, 2013.

* From the limited summary that the newspaper allows, it appears that the theme of this series focuses on Mr Ling Jihua.
* yami 闇 【やみ】 (n,adj-no): "(1) darkness * * * (3) * * * shady; illegal; under-the-table"
* 闘争と無縁の10代: ten generations that had nothing to do with--or distant from--power struggle (と = with)
(b)  As of now, 朝日新闻中文网 Asahichinese.com does not have a trace of ANY of 紅の党 reports, which is understandable. It is not New York Times after all.
(c) An incomplete list of <紅の党〉一覧.
http://digital.asahi.com/article ... %EC%CD%F7&rel=1
(starting Sept 7, 2012)

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