Note: 蓮舫
(a) This first name is pronounced as Renho in Japanese (full name 村田 蓮舫)
; born in 1967 in Japan; father 謝哲信, a Taiwanese trader, mother 斉藤桂子;
naturalized at age 18; Aoyama Gakuin University (at Tokyo) 青山学院大学法学
部法学士; married 村田信之, a reporter, in 1993; 1995年~97年 北京大学漢語中
心留学; delivered twin in 1997 (a girl and a boy); elected as a nominee of
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) to Japan Senate in July 2004 from Tokyo; A
month later (August 2004), visited Taiwan, met then President Chen Shui-bian
, remarked if DPJ obtained power, Japan-Taiwan relationsship would
strengthen and supported Taiwan independence ("同年8月、台湾を訪れ、陳水扁総
excerpt from
(b) 黃菁菁, 時人畫像-台灣蓮舫划進日本政海. Central News Agency, undated but
sometime in 2004.