I always wonder how much it is to maintain a web site like this. Maybe it is a trade secret, so you need not disclose it.
However, Mitbbs.com tried to--I do not know if it succeeded--move to Google platform, which I assumed was to save money, such as storage, maintenance. IF money to maintain this site is an issue, why not move to other platform?
Anyway, a recent report says that storage cost has dramatically reduced, due to technological advance. So the cost of maintenance of this bbs may not too costly?
As for visits a site, I doubt Mitbbs.com is as popular as advertised. Now there is measurement technology available, perhaps when the technology is cheaper, we can take a measurement.
【 在 choi (choi) 的大作中提到: 】
: I always wonder how much it is to maintain a web site like this. Maybe it is a trade secret, so you need not disclose it.
: However, Mitbbs.com tried to--I do not know if it succeeded--move to Google platform, which I assumed was to save money, such as storage, maintenance. IF money to maintain this site is an issue, why not move to other platform?
: ...................