My comment:
(a) So he says. This is the first time I hear this (that Taiwan has
difficulty obtaining PARTS--as opposed to the whole, completed weapons--from
US), so I will have no comment. I simply do not trust a word of Pres. Ma;
and if a certain agency or the entire federal government cannot trust him, I
do not blame her. Besides, AIT Director Steven Young warned Mr. Ma through
the years when he and his aides vehemently objected to arms package
personally approved by Mr. George W. Bush, that there would be consequences.
(b) 美国波士顿西门斯学院的东南亚问题专家扎克雷-阿布扎. That is Professor
Zhachary Abuza, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science and
International Relations, Simmons College.
Simmons is a small liberal college, NOT into research at all. I am surprised
by the fact that its faculty member is quoted.