(a) For Moskvitch, see Moskowitz, "Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): Germanized form of a Slavic patronymic from the Yiddish personal name Moshke, a pet form of Moshe (see Moses)." (Moshe is the Hebrew form of Moses.)
(b) The report says Arthur "HUANG runs Miniwiz, a start-up that develops green approaches to buildings."
創辦人 黃 謙智
Miniwitz Sustainable Energy Development Ltd 小智研發
(c) "GT DING, chief technology officer of SDTI."
(a) LIU Jun-Lin 劉 君玲 (whose professional name is filial daughter 孝女 白琴)
The report also alludes to "[h]er brother, A Ji 阿吉 哥哥."
(b) The report says, "Traditional Taiwanese funerals are elaborate, combining sombre mourning with louder, up-tempo entertainment to fire up grieving spirits."
up-tempo (adj; First Known Use 1948):
"having a fast-moving tempo <up–tempo music> <an aggressive up–tempo style of basketball>"
(c) The report continues, "For the entertainment portion, 30-year-old Liu and her Filial Daughters Band wear bright costumes, and perform almost-acrobatic dance numbers."
number (n): "a musical, theatrical, or literary selection or production"