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标题: 中国财经杂志前总编胡舒立东山再起 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 12-31-2009 10:09
标题: 中国财经杂志前总编胡舒立东山再起

VOA Chinese, Dec. 31, 2009.

My comment:
(a) “云横秦岭家何在?雪拥蓝关马不前”is said to be "著名诗句." It is
surprising to me, fro few Taiwanese of my generation ever heard of it--
because we only learn about some of Tang poems. Sung is noted for 宋词,
which we did learn.
(b) To be fair, so far only this VOA report suggests she had trouble with
Beijing censors. Until now, Western media are neutral; even she declined to
disclose (at least publicly) why she left Caijin (magazine).

(1) 中国斥巨资投入阿富汗矿业开发. VOA Chinese, Dec. 30, 2009.

My comment: This VOA report is based on

Michael Wines, China, Willing to Spend, Wins a Trove of Afghan Copper. New
York Times (NYT), Dec. 30, 2009.

Note for NYC report:
(a) CMEC stands for China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export
Corporation (headquartered at Beijing) 中设集团.
(b) I cannot find the definition for the English noun "middlecade."

(2) John Foley, Three Hurdles for China in the Year of the Tiger. New York
Times, Dec. 30, 2009.


"The biggest worry for policy makers is that an idle and unequal populace
will create unrest. A recent survey by the Zhejiang Academy of Social
Sciences cited in the South China Morning Post found that 96 percent of
respondents 'resent the rich.' It is no accident that Xinjiang province,
which saw riots in 2009, has one of China’s biggest wealth gaps.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this NYT analysis.

(3) 中国将明确禁止因乙肝限制入学就业. BBC Chinese, Dec. 30, 2009.

(4) 亲中不见效果 日印合作先行. BBC Chinese, Dec. 30, 2009.

(5) 龙丽纤, 中国人谈中国:假如生病的不是“农民工.” BBC Chinese, Dec. 29,

My comment: The BBC article is based on

黄艳春, 两民工患感冒 返乡途中被撵下车. 重庆晚报, Dec. 30, 2009.


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