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标题: Analysis: Bo Xilai [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 3-11-2010 12:30
标题: Analysis: Bo Xilai

Geoff Dyer, A rising populist; The ascent of a charismatic local politician
challenging party tradition gives an early insight into the 2012 leadership
battle--the implication of whichwill be felt far beyond Beijing. Financial
Times, Mar. 10, 2010.

My comment:
(1) 陈时荣, 手记:“打黑唱红”薄熙来. BBC Chinese, Mar. 6, 2010.
(薄熙来 "同时又怕把黑推给前任,于是声明,他的前任、前任的前任、以及前任的前

Upon reading the quotation, I knew the proclamation was necessary--but
perfunctory: at the very least, the caliber, if not integrity, of his
predecessors will be questioned.

(2) With regard to China, I do not have the gut feelings as a native of that
nation would have.

(a) I am, however, aware of Taiwan.

Taiwan was under declared martial law from 1948 to 1987, the longest in
world history. Politics was rigid, despite regular elections. In late 1970s,
there were a few lawmakers who were very vocal; many were from KMT. They
railed at the government, served up exposés, and appeared in news media
frequently. Except a minor newspaper (臺灣時報), all were controlled by the
government. Naturally I thought the KMT lawmakers were darlings, in the eyes
of the power that be. One day, a woman, hearing that, commented, "It (the
darling thing) may not be true."  For whatever reasons, KMT did not re-
nominate many of its star lawmakers.

(b) In the same vein, Mr. Bo Xilai's gambit may backfire. For he just may
step on a few toes.

Jamil Anderlini, China’s US holdings ‘normal;’ Analysts say Beijing has
few choices on where to invest its foreign exchange reserves and does not
have the option of wielding purchases as a weapon in bilateral relations.
Financial Times, Mar. 10, 2010.
(paragraph 1: "The spectre of China as banker for the US and the prospect of
Beijing dumping its vast holdings of US government debt is thought to keep
some US congressmen awake at night."

My comment: i do not provide the link, for the rest of the report is trite.
The quote is new to me, though.


作者: lihlii    时间: 3-21-2010 14:07
标题: Re: Analysis: Bo Xilai

我看陈时荣根本就是潜伏在 BBC 的特务。他出身就是特务,洛阳军事外语学院第三处 陈时荣上校。他主导了 BBC 中文部对中国事务的淡化和歪曲报道风格,并可能是中共内部权力斗争在海外呼应的打手。

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Geoff Dyer, A rising populist; The ascent of a charismatic local politician
: challenging party tradition gives an early insight into the 2012 leadership
: battle--the implication of whichwill be felt far beyond Beijing. Financial
: Times, Mar. 10, 2010.

※ 修改:.lihlii 于 Mar 21 18:08:29 修改本文.[FROM:]

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