The report cites:
(a) 中国千万富豪达87.5万人《2010胡润财富报告》. Hurun Research Institute,
Apr. 1, 2010.
(b) 痴山, 从《2010胡润财富报告》看国家投资流向. 新京报, Apr. 2, 2010 (reader
's posting).
My comment: I subscribe to Reagonomics, that expenditure of the rich will
trickle down and benefit the mass. Sure, the rich may eat bread and the poor
eat crumbs; still it is not what we Taiwanese learn when growing up: 朱門酒
The report cites:
(a) 中国千万富豪达87.5万人《2010胡润财富报告》. Hurun Research Institute,
Apr. 1, 2010.
(b) 痴山, 从《2010胡润财富报告》看国家投资流向. 新京报, Apr. 2, 2010 (reader
's posting).
My comment: I subscribe to Reagonomics, that expenditure of the rich will
trickle down and benefit the mass. Sure, the rich may eat bread and the poor
eat crumbs; still it is not what we Taiwanese learn when growing up: 朱門酒