(a) 护卫舰 corvette
(b) 俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦的泽廖诺多利斯克高尔基造船厂厂长米斯塔霍夫
(i) Tatarstan
(Republic of Tatarstan; capital is the city of Kazan; section 1 Terminology)
(ii) Tatars
(native people of Volga region of Russia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan; "A significant number of Volga Tatars emigrated during the Russian Civil War, mostly to Turkey and Harbin, China. According to the Chinese government, there are still 5,100 Tatars living in Xinjiang province")
(iii) 泽廖诺多利斯克高尔基造船厂
* Gorkov Shipyard in Tartarstan [sic] Wins Russian Navy Tender for 5 Project 21631., Aug 26, 2010 ... c39e3c0574106bb15d4
(SmoothieX12: "The [Gorkov] shipyard is named after Gorky. It is Gorky shipyard in Zelenodolsk--basically the cradle of many small warships for Soviet and Russian Navy")