(a) The report cites "中国政务评论家、《明镜》新闻出版集团创始人和总编何频与著名华裔作家黄文广合作撰写的英文新书《中国权贵的死亡游戏》."
(i) Pin HO and Wenguang Huang, A Death in the Lucky Holiday Hotel; Murder, Money, and an Epic Power Struggle in China. Public Affairs, Apr 2, 2013. ... ?book=9781610392730
(A) The publisher's web page says absolutely nothing; there is no need to read it.
(B) Mr Pin HO is based in New York, not Hong Kong.
(ii) "Because the names, titles and governmental forms will be unfamiliar to most Western readers, the narrative can feel like tough going at times, but the authors weave a fascinating, dark narrative web."
Kirkus Review, Mar 1, 2013. ... ucky-holiday-hotel/
Unfortunately that is the case for most of foreign affairs--foreign to Americans (or to me, too).
(b) For 大连空难事件, see 中国北方航空6136号班机空难 ... A%E7%A9%BA%E9%9A%BE
("博訊報導,是薄熙來下令炸毀飛機,事缘機上有一名中国國家安全部人事司司長特別助理李岩峰,她攜帶有關薄熙來的犯罪證據前往北京上報。报道说,曾在大連擔任文匯報記者的姜維平認為空難原因疑點重重,他接受《每日郵報》採訪時說:「當時媒體受到嚴密監控,而肇事客機的黑盒子沒有找到。」而在當局公布的死者名單中,李岩峰的職業和其他資訊都被故意留下空白。姜維平說,空難發生時,他正因指控中共盜用公款而坐牢,與李岩峰的丈夫韓曉光關在一起。韓告訴他,正是薄熙來和谷開來製造了這起空難。 但该报道遇到质疑,被认为是虚假新闻[42],因为6136号班机实为自北京飞往大连,而非前往北京")
Well, to this day many Americans are convinced that US government was (sole) perpetrators of 911.
(b) "令计划的父亲和薄熙来的父亲薄一波的关系和兄弟一样亲近."