China is a great nation, and we should hope for the continued expansion. But ladies and gentlemen, their problems are immense, and they lack much of what we have. We have the best universities in the world. We have a legal system that is open and fair. We have the most agile venture capital system in the world. We lead the world in innovation and technology, all for a simple basic reason. Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford was asked by a young man "how can I be more like you, how I can become like you?" And Job famously answered: think different.You cannot think different in a nation where you cannot breath free. You cannot think different in a nation where you aren't able to challenge orthodoxy, because change only comes from challenging orthodoxy.
搞清楚整件事的来龙去脉后,我依然想不明白一件事,那就是中国留学生的英文水平。第一个在中国媒体上谈论这件事的是中国留学生张天普,前文已经指出他的一 些理解过于偏激。后来我还发现,他在网上表示,拜登使用“nation”而非“country”让他感到气愤,因为nation指民族,country指 国家,拜登认为我们的民族有问题,而不是国家有问题。看到这里我彻底无语了,人家开头第一句都说了China is a great nation,难道你要翻译成“中国是一个伟大的民族”?这里nation指国度,将中国看作一个整体。