My comment:
(a) "布鲁金斯学会中国中心主任波拉克在谈到如何看待中国提出的新型大国关系的概念时表示,中国往往喜欢提出哲学性的原则构想,但是美国更注重的是如何解决实际问题。"
Senior Fellow Jonathan D. Pollack, director of the John L Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
(b) Here is the web page announcing the speech:
The US and China: A New Kind of Great Power Relationship? Brookings Institution, undated ... f-id=20130612_Ying1
("Featured Speaker Fu Ying; June 12, 2013 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT; HOSTED BY John L Thornton China Center)
Judging from the announcement, it is unambiguous that Madame Fu alone gave the talk. VOA gave the impression that Mr Kurt M Campbell was also there, even a panelist, which is untrue.