Islam became the religion of the state in the new constitution and the religion of its leaders. No laws could be enacted that would be contrary to Islamic tenets or that would in any way undermine Islamic beliefs and principles.
Before the 1969 constitution, Libya had a dual system of civil and religious courts. The new constitution established the primacy of Shari'a, or Islamic law, unifying the two systems. Civil laws now must conform to Shari'a.
埃及自然也不例外, 1971年宪法的第2款就是以伊斯兰教规为立法根源:
(Article 2): Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).
再一个是某些人念念不忘的“世俗卫士反恐卫星”萨达姆, 事实上在他统治下, 自1991年起至少有4000多名女性死于“荣誉谋杀(Honor Killing)”(UN Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, 31 January 2002, E/CN.4/2002/83, page 12), 并且这是有法律依据的(Article 128, 见国务院1999年度人权报告):
Men who kill female family members for " immoral deeds" may receive immunity from prosecution for such " honor crimes" under a 1990 law(see Section 1.e.).
自1990s早期开始, 萨达姆加速了他已推行多年的文化改造运动, 明确将Shari'a引入刑法("Saddam made clear that whenever laws clashed with the divine Shari'a, the former must always give way."): 具体政策包括砍掉小偷右手、禁止公共场所(包括餐厅旅馆)饮酒、卖淫女子与同性恋一概用刀剑砍死(Saddam Hussein of Iraq: A Political Psychology Profile)! 伊战打响之前, 华盛顿邮报记者Anthony Shadid报道了巴格达大学政治学教授Wamid Nadhmi的哀鸣:
Most striking to him was a televised meeting two months ago of the Federation of Iraqi Women, once a symbol of the rights the secular Baath Party bestowed on women. He said virtually all the women in attendance were veiled.
这种论调基本是说, 穆斯林群众绝大多数主张回到中世纪、以传统的伊斯兰教规取代世俗法律, 所以有个独裁者镇着是非常必要的、萨达姆这类杀人狂是最适当的人选, 千万不能民主, 否则一定会把极端势力选上台(由此可推断出伊拉克库尔德自治区一定早已血流成河、不可收拾了, 因为美军自1991年起就禁止萨达姆进去维稳了- 该区自倒萨战争以来的安全形势参见October 30, 2011 Quarterly Report by Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)。论椐通常是: 伊朗1979, 还有哈马斯2006。
约旦1989年第一次开放立委选举, 穆斯林兄弟会的政党IAF(Islamic Action Front)在80个议席中得到22席, 成为第一大党(加上其它伊斯兰党派, 共获36席); 下一次选举(1993), 就丧失了一大半席位(Washington Institute, PolicyWatch #1098)。此后穆兄会就以玩“抵制”为主了, 07年那次在投票已经开始之后又玩罢赛, 当然还是指责政府舞弊---且不论有无舞弊, 我们只要关注一下International Republican Institute and the Jordanian Center for Social Research所做的出口民调就好了, 报告是这么说的:
Exit poll runs taken at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm on Election Day show that most IAF candidates were losing by a wide margin to their independent/tribal competitors, particularly in cities like Madaba, Rusaifeh and Irbid where a greater IAF presence is supposedly felt. This poor showing could have been a contributing factor in the IAF’s decision to boycott half way through the elections under the pretext of rigging by the government. The results could also be interpreted as an indication of a declining “Islamist” support in places where the IAF traditionally has been strong.
从以上例子中可以找出3个要点: (1)并非每次选举都导致极端势力上位, 在科威特(还有印尼与伊拉克)等国, 打伊斯兰牌的党派常常输得很惨: 参考一个2010年的民调, 伊拉克什叶派半数以上对伊朗政权有负面印象, 对它有好感的不到20%; 逊尼派的变化趋势也相仿, 2010年大选, 穆斯林兄弟会(Iraqi Islamic Party - IIP)所得席位从05年的44席减至6席(Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report) (2)即使伊斯兰主义者选举获胜, 得票率也从未过半(哈马斯获胜那次得普选票44%) (3)伊斯兰党连选连胜几乎是不可能的。哈马斯在加沙的支持率已经很难看, 所以没必要再换届选举了, 现在全靠枪杆子; 土耳其的“正义与发展党”则是靠马英九那一套, 媒体收归国有、政敌关进大牢(Global Media Journal - Australian Edition - Volume 3 Issue 2 2009)。
埃及没有现代意义上的“经济”可言, 只有拼爹, 能不能做买卖或找到工作, 完全不取决于你有啥能力, 只看你有啥血缘关系。工作岗位光政府部门就占了600万, 另有960万人则在打黑工。黑市占整个经济体的60%, “法外资产”的数额是开罗证交所公司市值总和的30倍还多, 9成埃及人拥有的财产不受法律承认。(Institute for Liberty and Democracy, 2004)
至于最高领袖本人, 据称是由85人的“专家会议(Assembly of Experts)”选举产生的, 专家会议成员据称也是由各省人民定期选出的, 问题在于参选的侯选人必须经过宗教知识考试, 而决定录取名单的权力机构则是“确定国家利益委员会(Expediency Council)”---这个委员会是最高领袖的顾问机构, 任职成员全部由最高领袖直接指定。
顺便说说巴列维是怎么把自己折腾掉的。他仅仅在学凯末尔移风易俗、压制毛拉? 如果是那样就好了。事实上他剥夺宗教势力的土地分给农民, 支持率是大幅攀升的, 问题是这些土地不到4年就收归国有了, 因为他的目的是社会主义工商业改造, 模仿苏联的五年计划实施七年计划(Grace E. Goodell, How the Shah De-Stabilized Himself, Policy Review, Spring 1981); 辅佐他的则是一群热衷苏联模式的名校海归, 人称“麻省理工死宅男(Massachuseti)”。
把战后伊拉克频发的恐怖袭击作为“萨达姆反恐有功”的证据也很可笑, 且不说恐怖组织的核心力量(Jaysh Muhammad)就是复兴党的残余势力(例如JRTN), 单说基地组织, 现在公认的结论是它们一直在寻求萨达姆的合作, 而前政权也确实同意了拉登的部分要求、例如在国家电视台播放沙特极端教士的布道, 并且双方商定“leave the door open to further develop the relationship and cooperation between both sides”, 再加上苏丹这个大金主的面子, 显然基地组织在这段时期是没理由对伊拉克搞恐怖袭击的。芦笛说萨达姆仅仅在反美上做做样子, 这也是一厢情愿, 萨达姆对国家的伊斯兰化改造是明摆着的事, 伊斯兰原教旨势力得到了切实的优待, 否则苏丹议长Hassan al-Turabi哪能满意?
Mr. Turabi said that, while in Baghdad, President Hussein had promised to release Islamic militants detained for their perceived opposition to his regime - apparently a further attempt to court Islamic sentiment.
He describes his budding relationship with the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, as "very close," while excoriating President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
"Saddam is gradually reintroducing Islam," he said. "He has restricted liquor. Koranic studies are mandatory for all students, all teachers and all Baathist Party members. He knows the society is returning to Islam. The only one who is doing everything against Islam is Hosni Mubarak. "
除了以上说的公共场所禁止饮酒(也就意味着酒吧全数取缔), 萨达姆的“回归信仰运动(al-Hamlah al-Imaniyyah )”举措还包括唱红歌赢大奖、背毛诗得减刑(“prisoners can get their sentences reduced by memorizing passages of the Koran”); 每个省至少要新建四座清真寺, 在巴格达的数字则是30座, 包括中东地区最大的“萨达姆清真寺”(US News & World Report, September 3, 2000)。也难怪萨达姆挂了之后, 穆斯林兄弟会的金牌主播Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi会声泪俱下了(视频)。
Many regarded and still regard Khomeini as a "fundamentalist". This isn't so. Fundamentalism refers to the literal interpretation of religious scriptures, whereas Khomeini fashioned a radical reinterpretation of Shia Islam, under influence from the popular Shia theologian Ali Shariati who had attempted to incorporate the ideas of Frantz Fanon and Karl Marx into Islam.
上面提到霍梅尼追随的这位Ali Shariati出身巴黎索邦大学, 后现代马克斯主义流的, 研究方向是“殖民化受害心理学”; 他翻译的法左天书不仅包括法农(Frantz Fanon)的The Wretched of the Earth, 还有萨特的《存在与虚无》。什么福柯、德里达(Jacques Derrida)也都是霍梅尼的粉丝, 在他们眼中, 美帝为代表的资本主义体制带来的“异化”是头号敌人, 谁反美谁就代表进步和社会主义, 霍梅尼公开发表过的著作明确主张教士专政, 结果被说成是CIA为了抹黑而伪造的, 人家要赛车哪有空写书嘛。
1999年国务院出版的Cuba in the Middle East: A Brief Chronology告诉我们, 古巴从伊斯兰革命开头就力挺霍梅尼政权, 这些年也一直在生物技术领域支援伊朗, 并且两者在社会主义追求上没啥区别嘛:
A recent agreement (1999) was signed, establishing Cuba's assistance in setting up social security/social assistance networks in Iran.