(a) Taiwan Forestry Research Institute 行政院農業委員會 林業試驗所 (abbreviation: 林試所)
* director WANG Hsiang-hua 所長 黃 裕星 ... odid=1336&mode=
(美國阿拉巴馬州奧本大學 Auburn University 森林學院博士 (1986.3—1988.12) [maybe because he had spent two years in Taiwan for a master's degree])
(b) Raptor Research Group of Taiwan 台灣猛禽研究會
(c) "A Taiwan-made documentary spotlighting the country’s black eagle won Best Asia-Oceania Newcomer at the Japan Wildlife Film Festival, which wrapped up Aug 11 in Toyama, Japan."
(i) Japan Wildlife Film Festival '13 第11回世界自然・野生生物映像祭
(ii) Asia and Oceania Encouragement Award アジア・オセアニア奨励賞
(iii) Toyama, Toyama 富山県 富山市,_Toyama
(capital city of Toyama Prefecture)
(iv) Japanese-English dictionary:
* eizō 映像 【えいぞう】 (n): "(1) reflection; image; picture (e.g. on a television); shot; (2) video; film"
* shōrei 奨励 【しょうれい】
(in both of the above, the transliteration "ei" merely signifies a long vowel of "e.")
(d) "Initiated by RRGT researcher Lin Wen-hong, the 'Phantom of the Forest - the Black Eagle' documentary * * * took two years to film in Fushan Botanical Garden, Yilan County"
(i) LIN Wen-hong 林 文宏
(ii) Phantom of the Forest - the Black Eagle 山林魅影-林鵰
"林鵰 Ictinaetus malayensis體長: 67~81cm 翼展: 164~178cm
(e-Book 電子書: 居留狀況:留鳥,終年可見)
* Black Eagle
(Ictinaetus malayensis; section 1 Distribution: [including] southern China (Yunnan, Fujian))
* 李珊, 追尋山林黑武士——林文宏與林鵰. 台灣光華雜誌 Taiwan Panorama, June 2012. ... 620/1806118802.html
(iii) Fushan Botanical Garden 林試所 福山研究中心
(iv) Yilan County 宜蘭縣 (in Taiwan's northeast)