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发表于 6-2-2009 15:22:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    纪录片《天安门》的美国长弓纪录片制作组因为柴玲的控告,他们正遭受可能被耗尽资财而倒闭。美国是个言论自由至高无上的国家,柴玲能胜诉吗?这场诉讼给 20年的纪念活动带来什么影响?诉讼有无其它动机?以下是此事件三个相关内容:

    作者:封從德 文
    這份公開信曾在26日在小范圍內征集首批簽名,28日通過電郵和郵件發給《天安門》製片人後停頓幾日,本希望他們放在其網站上,但至今未見回應,故現在擴大征集簽名范圍,24小時後會發佈給各網絡媒體進一步征集簽名,之後會一直在六四檔案網站上征集簽名(http: //www.64memo.com/sign/)。
    封從德 謹識
    在八九學運與民運20週年之際,我們,大屠殺的倖存者和這場運動的組織者、參與者、研究者和支持者,再次敦促你們 —— 就像我們在1995年的敦促一樣 —— 糾正你們製作的電影《天安門》中的史實錯誤。
    該影片有選擇地引用了一些句語,同時又遺漏了一些重要的史實,創作了一些不真實的歷史記錄,尤其是關係到天安門廣場總指揮柴玲的部分很不真實。若你們認為製作該片並無個人動機以故意詆毀柴玲和學運組織者,我們 ——許多當年就在天安門廣場——敦促你們將本文張貼在你們的網站上,讓公眾可以考慮雙方的觀點,以便作出自己的判斷。
    顯然,柴玲的用語“期待流血”被《天安門》製片人卡瑪·韓丁Carma Hinton 錯誤地翻譯並斷章取義。“期待”應譯為“預期或等待”(anticipate or wait),而非影片中所謂的“期望”(hope for)。我們在現場的都知道,柴玲那句話是指我們預期可能會發生鎮壓,並希望一旦發生鎮壓是在公共場所和媒體面前,而不是在陰暗的角落、不會從世人的視野中消失,就像其他1989年之前和之後眾多的民眾運動那樣。而且,重要的是我們預期的是鎮壓,而非大屠殺。另外還應注意,學運組織者已作了最大努力,以確保選擇留在天安門廣場的學生和民眾明白風險並自願留下。

神化天安门运动是我们的心魔 ——我为何在《天安门》制作人的呼吁书上签名
    不容批评,不自我反省,正是民运的主要特征。柴玲状告长弓只是一例。对天安门运动的神化,让当事人不容他人批评,反过来也让他人可以抹黑当事人(只要发现其不符合神化)。说《天安门》影片破坏了柴玲形象,其实只是破坏了一个被神化的形象,并未破坏她作为普通人的形象。她在影片中有不少光彩照人的画面,称得上“硝烟中的甜美”。虽然她对记者的哭诉有些做作,但是那么年轻的女孩突然变成全球焦点,不做作才不正常。谁在年轻时会有宠辱不惊的定力?至于她说了不想死,那又算什么,哪个20多岁的孩子想死?众多对柴玲的批评,其实也是出自神化角度——她自己不想死,却“期待的就是流血”,让“广场血流成河”去擦亮中国人眼睛,柴玲的这种说法固然不够高大全,但是若能深入多数政治人物的内心,他们在同样时刻很可能也和柴玲想得一样。只不过那些人老练圆滑,不往外说,而 1989年的柴玲比较朴实,不但说了,还对着摄像机。
呼吁书 纪念六四 兼论言论自由及其倡导者

     然而今天,我们作为一个独立制片和历史档案机构的基本生存正在受到严重的威胁。令人深感担忧的是,这种威胁竟来自一个曾在1989年学生运动中声称支持言论自由和民主的人士。柴玲,原保卫天安门广场指挥部总指挥、尖子班(注:美国一商业软件公司 Jenzabar)现任总裁,与她的丈夫 Robert Maginn(原 Bain Capital的合伙人及director,现任尖子班首席执行官)于2007年在美国麻州波士顿以损害名誉和商标侵权两项罪名对我们提出了控告。
     “损害名誉”的指控基于我们的网站链接了美国一些主流媒体发表的文章,其中涉及到有关尖子班、柴玲和Robert Maginn的一些负面消息。关于商标侵权的指控,则仅仅基于我们的网站中引述相关文章时出现了“尖子班”这一名称。对于“损害名誉”的起诉,法院决定不予受理。对“商标侵权”的指控,法院认为:虽然由于两家公司业务不同,尖子班胜诉的可能性极小,但仍决定给予尖子班一次为其指控提供证据的机会。
     我们的长弓制作组是一个非盈利性的纪录片制作公司, 而尖子班是一家为高等教育机构提供管理系统软件的商业公司。我们与尖子班的业务毫不相干,亦不存在任何商业上的竞争。尖子班却指控我们的网站侵犯其商标,误导其潜在用户,从而造成其公司的客户流失。我们并非商业软件公司,也不销售尖子班的客户可能感到兴趣的一类软件,而且事实上也从未有人就尖子班或其软件与我们进行过联系。
     如果你愿意签名支持我们,请发电子邮件至 info@longbow.org 。请标明你的职务和所属机构。
    An Appeal
    In Memoriam-
    Tiananmen 1989, Free Speech & its Advocates
    The Long Bow Group, Boston
    (15 April 2009)
    We commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the 1989 Protest Movement in China and recall with heavy hearts its brutal suppression. During that movement millions of people in China demonstrated in support of freedom of expression and media openness.
    In making the documentary film The Gate of Heavenly Peace (天安门 1995), and with the creation of its archival website (www.tsquare.tv), the Long Bow Group attempted to reflect the complex motives and stories behind the events of 1989 in an accessible format, and to provide specialists and the public with an ongoing research resource.
    The film was attacked sight unseen both by the Chinese government and by several former student activists prior to its première at the New York Film Festival in October 1995. Subsequently, the Chinese authorities demanded it be banned from international film festivals, claiming that showing it would ‘mislead the audience and hurt the feelings of 1.2 billion Chinese people.’ Meanwhile, the student activists who opposed the film accused us of working for the Chinese government and denounced us as ‘a pack of flies, a true disease of our era.’ (他们是一群苍蝇, 是我们这个时代真正的疾病).
    Despite controversy The Gate of Heavenly Peace went on to win numerous prestigious film and academic awards in the United States and overseas. The film has continued to draw attention in the mass media, among researchers and educators and, together with the related website, it forms part of the international discussion of China’s modern history. We believe that the kind of independent research and cinematic work we produce has only been possible through the support of academic colleagues, public funding agencies, private donations, and under the protective umbrella of free speech.
    We are now deeply concerned because our very existence as an independent film and archive group is being threatened by a lawsuit launched by one of the people who, during the 1989 Protest Movement in Beijing, professed support for freedom of speech and democracy.
    Chai Ling (Ling Chai), President of Jenzabar, Inc., and in 1989 Commander-in-Chief of the Defend Tiananmen Square Headquarters, and her husband, Robert Maginn, CEO of Jenzabar and a former Senior Partner and Director at Bain & Company, sued the Long Bow Group in 2007 in Boston, Massachusetts, for defamation and trademark infringement.
    The lawsuit accused us of defamation because our website links to mainstream media news articles that reported critical information about Jenzabar, Chai Ling, and Robert Maginn. The trademark allegations are based on our use of the name ‘Jenzabar’ in the website. In the early stages of the litigation, the court threw out the defamation claims but not the trademark claims. The court recognized that ‘Jenzabar seems unlikely to prevail on [the trademark claims],’ but nevertheless decided to give Jenzabar a chance to try to prove its claims.
    As a result, we are facing the accusation that Long Bow – a non-profit documentary film producer – is violating the commercial trademark of Jenzabar, a company that sells administrative and management software systems to large educational institutions. Although we clearly have no connection to Jenzabar and do not compete in any respect with Jenzabar, the lawsuit claims that our site diverts and confuses Jenzabar’s potential customers. In fact, not one person has ever contacted the Long Bow Group about software or Jenzabar.
    Over the years, mainstream US media publications (in particular, The Boston Globe, Forbes and The Chronicle of Higher Education) have produced and archived materials related to Jenzabar and its President, Chai Ling. The Long Bow website merely quotes from these materials, yet we are not aware of any action against these larger publications. In our opinion, this lawsuit is clearly intended to intimidate us into removing these news accounts and other information about Chai Ling and Jenzabar from our website. Indeed, Chai Ling’s lawyers have demanded that we remove any reference to the company from our website. We believe that this material is of public interest and it is already in the public domain through other sources. Despite long months of discussion and conciliatory action on our part, undertaken in the hope of bringing an end to what we believe is malicious litigation, the case continues at great expense and risk to us.
    The following excerpts from the Complaint filed against Long Bow in May 2007 demonstrate the seriousness of this lawsuit, as a threat to Long Bow and to the principles of political and expressive freedom that we hold so dearly:
    —‘Motivated by ill-will, their sympathy for officials in the Communist government of China, and a desire to discredit Chai, a former student leader in the pro-democracy movement in China’s Tiananmen Square, Long Bow Group, Inc. (“Long Bow”) has published false content concerning the Plaintiffs on the website it maintains (the “Site”) and has collected a misleading sample of statements from outdated articles to circulate half-truths and falsehoods, and to create false impressions about Jenzabar, Chai, and Maginn. To ensure that this content is widely viewed and as damaging as possible, Long Bow makes unauthorized use of Jenzabar’s protected trademarks to direct traffic to the Site. As a consequence, Jenzabar’s clients and prospective clients are diverted to the Site and its defamatory content, causing reputational injury and loss of business opportunities.’
    —‘Upon information and belief, Long Bow’s defamatory statements are motivated by malice toward Chai, as well as Long Bow’s desire to discredit Chai and advance Long Bow’s divergent political agenda.’
    The Complaint also makes a demand:
    —‘For an accounting of the gains and profits realized by Long Bow from its aforesaid wrongful acts, and restitution and/or disgorgement to Jenzabar of Long Bow’s ill-gotten gains.’
    We believe this is a concerted attempt to undermine a nonprofit film and research organization that has for nearly thirty years presented audiences and educators throughout the world with work on Chinese life and history. Chai and Jenzabar appear determined to drain the limited resources of the Long Bow Group for not complying with their demands that we remove historical materials and data, as well as all references to Jenzabar, from our website. We are of the view that such demands and tactics have dire implications not only for us, but more widely for free speech and independent scholarship.
    We believe that in commemorating the events of 1989 twenty years on, it is important to reflect also on the value of independent thought, unfettered historical research, the collection and protection of archival materials and the freedom of speech in our own environment.
    It is for this reason that we appeal to you—fellow researchers, colleagues in the media, educators and members of the interested public—to visit our website (www.tsquare.tv) to read the materials that have prompted this lawsuit and the legal filings from the case. We ask you to draw your own conclusions about the issues and freedoms at stake.
    Please do not take this appeal as an attack on Jenzabar’s business or the products and services it provides to its customers. We have no interest in prompting or participating in a boycott and no interest whatsoever in causing harm to Jenzabar’s business or its employees. We seek only to preserve our rights, to stand up for the principle of free speech, and to defend ourselves and our work from this unjustified challenge.
    If you would like to help, please sign this appeal as a modest gesture of your support for our stand. Please know that your signature carries no legal obligations, responsibilities, or commitments of any kind, nor does it mean that you necessarily agree with opinions expressed in either the Long Bow Group's films or its websites. Rather, it indicates that any instance of a corporation using its money and its power to stifle debate and suppress the historical record is cause for concern, in the academic community and beyond. If you are interested in lending your support, please email us at info@longbow.org, and we will add your name to the list of signatories posted on our website. Please be sure to include your name, title, and affiliation (if any) in your email.
    Written and Signed by
    Carma Hinton, Professor of Visual Culture & Chinese Studies, George Mason University; Producer, Director, Long Bow Group
    Richard Gordon, Producer, Director, President, Long Bow Group
    Geremie R. Barmé, Professor of Chinese History, The Australian National University, Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities; Producer, Director, Long Bow Group
    Nora Chang, Producer, Director, Long Bow Group
    R. David Arkush, Professor of Chinese History
    The University of Iowa, IA, USA
    Fran?oise Aubin
    Le Parc de Seronne, Jumelles, France
    Pat Aufderheide, Professor and Director
    Center for Social Media, School of Communication
    American University, Washington, D.C., USA
    Dr. Limin Bai, Senior Lecturer in Chinese
    School of Languages and Cultures
    Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
    C. D. Alison Bailey, Director, Centre for Chinese Research
    Institute of Asian Research
    University of British Columbia, Canada
    Suzanne Wilson Barnett, Professor Emerita, History
    University of Puget Sound, WA, USA
    Dr. Ruth Barraclough, Lecturer in Korean Studies
    College of Asia & the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Jeffrey Berger, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy
    Community College of Philadelphia, PA, USA
    Sarah Biddulph, Associate Professor and Reader
    Law School
    The University of Melbourne, Australia
    Professor Marc Blecher
    Department of Politics
    Oberlin College, OH, USA
    Professor Harald Bockman
    Research Centre for Development and the Environment
    University of Oslo, Norway
    Dorothy V. Borei, Professor of History Emerita
    Guilford College, NC, USA
    Dr. Sally Borthwick, Sinologist
    Yomi Braester, Professor of Comparative Literature
    University of Washington, WA, USA
    Dr. Anne-Marie Brady, MRSNZ, Associate Professor in Political Science
    School of Political and Social Sciences
    University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
    John Braithwaite, Regulatory Institutions Network
    RSPAS, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
    Australian National University, Australia
    Professor Timothy Brook
    Principal, St. John's College
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
    Patrick Brown
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    Beijing, China
    Daniel Bryant, Professor Emeritus
    Department of Pacific and Asian Studies
    University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada
    Peter Button, Assistant Professor
    Department of East Asian Studies
    New York University, NY, USA
    Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Professor and Head
    Department of Government and International Studies
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
    James Cahill, Professor Emeritus
    History of Art
    University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Daniel Cairns, Graduate Student
    University of Chicago, IL, USA
    William A. Callahan, Professor of International Politics and Chinese Studies
    University of Manchester
    Co-Director of the British Inter-university China Centre
    Oxford, UK
    Dr. Duncan Campbell, Senior Lecturer
    China Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies
    College of Asia & the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Thomas R. Carter
    Gaithersburg, MD, USA
    Dr. Anita Chan, Research Fellow, Contemporary China Centre
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Dr. Red Chan
    University of Warwick
    Coventry, UK
    Briankle G. Chang
    Director, Center for the Study of Communication
    Department of Communication
    University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
    Michael G. Chang, Associate Professor
    Department of History and Art History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Hilary Charlesworth, Professor, RegNet
    Australian National University, Australia
    Lejen Chen, Organic Farmer
    Green Cow Farm
    Beijing, China
    Dr. Tina Chen, Associate Professor of History
    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
    Vivien Chen
    New York City, NY, USA
    Professor Pei-kai Cheng
    Director, Chinese Civilisation Centre
    City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Xiaoqing Chi, artist
    New Hampshire, USA
    Eva Shan Chou, Associate Professor
    English Department
    City University of New York, Baruch College, NY, USA
    A.E. Clark
    Ragged Banner Press
    Father Jeremy Clarke S.J., Visiting Fellow
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Lisa Claypool, Assistant Professor of Art History and Humanities
    Reed College, OR, USA
    Cathryn H. Clayton, Assistant Professor
    School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    University of Hawai'i, HI, USA
    Don J. Cohn, Senior Editor, ArtAsiaPacific
    New York, NY, USA
    Lois Conner, Photographer
    New York, NY, USA
    Dr. Susette Cook, Lecturer in China Studies
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
    Bryan Corrigan, Teacher, AP Economics
    Belmont Public Schools, Belmont, MA, USA
    Spencer R. Crew
    Clarence J. Robinson Professor of American, African American, and Public History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Dr. Francesca Dal Lago
    Leiden Institute for Area Studies
    Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
    Dr. Gloria Davies, Associate Professor and Convenor of Chinese Studies
    Monash University, Australia
    Michael E. Davies, Principal
    Appletree Hill Solicitors, Australia
    Deborah Davis, Professor of Sociology
    Yale University, CT, USA
    Robert DeCaroli, Associate Professor
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Steven DeCaroli, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
    Goucher College, MD, USA
    Margaret H. Decker, Computer System Specialist
    Belmont Public Schools, Belmont, MA, USA
    Dr. Kirk A. Denton, Associate Professor
    East Asian Languages and Literature
    The Ohio State University, OH, USA
    Fran?oise Derré, writer, translator
    Paris, France
    Joel Devalcourt
    University of New Orleans, USA
    Neil J. Diamant, Associate Professor of Asian Law and Society
    Dickinson College, PA, USA
    Zheng Ding, Professor of Physics
    Normandale Community College
    Bloomington, MN, USA
    Professor Stephanie Hemelryk Donald
    Professor of Chinese Media Studies
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Elvira & Vasco Dones, Producers
    Dones Media LLC, Rockville, MD, USA
    Hua Dong, Academic Specialist
    Coordinator, Chinese Language Program
    Northeastern University, MA, USA
    Darrell Dorrington
    Menzies Library
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Adam Driver, Ph.D. Candidate
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Marie-Pierre Duhamel, film critic and translator
    Paris, France
    Emily Dunn, Ph.D. Candidate
    Asia Institute/History
    University of Melbourne, Australia
    Professor Michael Dutton
    Research Chair, Professor of Political Cultures
    Griffith University, Australia
    Richard Louis Edmonds, Visiting Professor in Geographical Studies
    University of Chicago, IL, USA
    Professor Mark Elliott
    Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Benjamin A. Elman, Professor of East Asian Studies & History
    Princeton University, NJ, USA
    Sarah S. Elman, Head of Technical Services
    C.V. Starr East Asian Library
    Columbia University, NY, USA
    Bill Engst
    Marlboro, NJ, USA
    Karen Engst
    Pau, France
    Nicoals Engst-Matthews, student
    Pau, France
    Andrew Fair
    Law Offices of Andrew L. Fair
    New York, NY, USA
    Professor Judith Farquhar, Max Palevsky Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences
    Chicago University, IL, USA
    Professor Mary Farquhar
    Executive member and former President
    Chinese Studies Association of Australia
    Siyen Fei, Assistant Professor
    Department of History
    University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
    Jesseca Ferguson, Continuing Part Time Faculty
    School of the Museum of Fine Arts
    Boston, MA, USA
    Dr. Susan Fernsebner, Assistant Professor of History and American Studies
    University of Mary Washington
    Fredericksburg, VA, USA
    Nick Fraser, Commissioning Editor, BBC
    Andy Friend
    Ellen V. Fuller, Assistant Professor
    East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures
    Studies in Women and Gender
    University of Virginia, VA, USA
    Peter L. Galison, Joseph Pellegrino University Professor
    Department of Physics
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Carrillo Gantner
    Ziyin Gantner
    Professor Mobo Gao
    Chair of Chinese Studies
    Director, Confucius Institute
    Centre for Asian Studies
    The University of Adelaide, Australia
    Andrea Geyling, Modern World History Instructor
    Milton Academy, MA, USA
    Christina Gilmartin, Associate Professor of History
    Northeastern University, MA, USA
    Research Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Peter Gilmartin, Program Director
    Primary Source, MA, USA
    Professor Dr. Sean Golden
    Director, Institut d'Estudis Internacionals i Interculturals
    (Institute for International & Intercultural Studies)
    Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
    Jeremy Goldkorn, Editor
    Danwei.org (www.danwei.org), Beijing, China
    Andrea S. Goldman, Assistant Professor of Qing and Modern China
    Department of History
    University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Joshua Goldstein, Associate Professor
    History Department
    University of Southern California, CA, USA
    Jack Golson AO, Emeritus Professor
    Department of Archaeology and Natural History
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Bryna Goodman, Professor of Chinese History
    University of Oregon, OR, USA
    Professor David S G Goodman, Professor of Chinese Politics and Director
    Institute of Social Sciences
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Dr. Christopher Gregg, Term Assistant Professor
    Department of History and Art History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Gerald V. Griffith, Producer
    Cartesian Coordinates
    Fairfax, VA, USA
    Misha M. Griffith, Graduate Researcher
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Alison Groppe, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chinese
    Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
    University of Oregon, OR, USA
    A. Tom Grunfeld, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor
    Empire State College/ SUNY, NY, USA
    Kenneth J. Hammond, Professor of History
    New Mexico State University, NM, USA
    Mette Halskov Hansen, Professor in Chinese Studies
    Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
    University of Oslo, Norway
    Dr. Mark Harrison, Senior Lecturer in Chinese
    School of Asian Languages and Studies
    University of Tasmania, Australia
    David Hawkes, translator and writer
    Oxford, England
    Nancy Hearst, Fairbank Center
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Professor Gail Hershatter
    Distinguished Professor, Department of History
    University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    Christian A. Hess, RCUK Academic Fellow/Assistant Professor
    Department of History
    University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
    Joan Hinton
    Beijing, China
    Dahpon David Ho, Assistant Professor in History
    American University
    Washington, D.C., USA
    Isaac Ho, student
    University of Southern California, CA, USA
    Mack P. Holt, Professor of History
    Director of Graduate Studies
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Brian Holton, Assistant Professor
    Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
    Laura Hostetler, Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of History
    University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA
    Hu Minghui, Assistant Professor
    Department of History
    University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    Dr. Nicole Huang
    Director, Center for East Asian Studies
    Associate Professor of Chinese Literature
    East Asian Languages and Literature
    University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
    Vivian Huang, General Manager/Curator
    Chinese American Arts Council/Gallery 456, NY, USA
    Former Festival Director
    Asian American International Film Festival, NY, USA
    Theodore Huters, Professor of Chinese
    University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Eric Hyer, Associate Professor and Asian Studies Coordinator
    Brigham Young University
    Provo, UT, USA
    John Israel, Professor Emeritus
    University of Virginia, VA, USA
    Dr. Tamara Jacka, Senior Fellow (Associate Professor)
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    College of Asia and the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Linda Jaivin, novelist and independent scholar and translator
    Sydney, Australia
    Dr. Nancy Jervis, Independent Scholar
    New York City, NY, USA
    Nan Jiang, Associate Professor
    University of Maryland, MD, UDA
    David Johnson, Professor of History
    University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Heidi Johnson
    Columbia, SC, USA
    Professor Margaret Jolly
    Head Gender Relations Centre
    College of Asia and the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Professor William A. Joseph
    Department of Political Science
    Wellesley College, MA, USA
    Professor Ellen R. Judd
    Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Professor
    Department of Anthropology
    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
    Harold L. Kahn, Professor emeritus
    Stanford University, CA, USA
    Kang Wenqing
    History Department
    Cleveland State University, OH, USA
    Jian Kao, Engineer of Telcordia Technology
    Marlboro, NJ, USA
    Yasuhiko Karasawa, Associate Professor (History)
    Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
    Professor Fumitoshi Karima
    Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
    The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
    Rebecca E. Karl, Associate Professor
    East Asian Studies & History Departments
    New York University, NY, USA
    Nancy D. Kates, Producer-Director
    Berkeley, CA, USA
    Dr. Michael Keane, Associate Professor
    Queensland University of Technology, Australia
    Dr. David Kelly
    China Research Centre
    University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
    Mills Kelly, Associate Dean for Enrollment Development
    College of Humanities and Social Sciences
    Director, Master of Arts in Global Affairs
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    William W. Kelly, Sumitomo Professor of Japanese Studies
    Yale University, CT, USA
    Alec (Do Woo) Kim, Engine Auditor, Airworthiness Compliance
    Qantas, Sydney, Australia
    Dr. Marjorie King
    The American School in Taiwan and Independent Scholar
    Richard King, Director
    Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
    University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada
    Dr. Andrew Kipnis
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Victor Koski student
    School of Humanities and Social Sciences
    History Department
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Natasha Koval-Paden, pianist
    Department of Music
    Middlebury College, VT, USA
    Professor Richard Kraus
    Political Science
    University of Oregon, OR, USA
    Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Associate Professor of Chinese
    Dept. of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures
    Emory University, GA, USA
    Research Group Director
    Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
    Berlin, Germany
    Helen Lansdowne
    Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
    University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
    Fabio Lanza, Assistant Professor
    Department of History
    University of Arizona, AZ, USA
    Kevin Lawrence, Associate Director, Teach China
    China Institute, NY, USA
    Michael R. Leaman, Publisher
    Reaktion Books, London, UK
    Eugenia Lean, Assistant Professor in Chinese History
    Columbia University, NY, USA
    Amy Lee, graduate student
    University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Andrew Y. Lee, Ph.D.
    University Libraries
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Chin-Chuan Lee, Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication
    University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
    Jane C Lee
    Hong Kong
    Dr. Mabel Lee, Honorary Associate Professor in Chinese Studies
    Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Andre Lévy, professeur émérite à l'université de Bordeaux
    University of Bordeaux, France
    Li Jie, Ph.D. Candidate
    East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Film Studies
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Jin Li, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education and Human Development
    Brown University, RI, USA
    Lillian M. Li, Professor of History
    Swarthmore College, PA, USA
    Lin Chun
    London School of Economics, UK
    Pearl Lin
    Hualian Travel International Corporation, CT, USA
    Vivian Lin, Professor of Public Health
    School of Public Health
    La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
    Liu Baisha, Lecturer in Chinese
    University of Oslo, Norway
    Liu Xiaohong, writer and independent scholar, USA
    Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
    Xiaoxi Liu, Ph.D
    Program Manager, GE
    Liu Xiaoyuan, Professor of History
    Iowa State University, IA, USA
    Peter Lorentzen, Assistant Professor of Political Science
    University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Michael Lou
    History Department
    Milton Academy, MA, USA
    Dr. Lu Hongwei, Associate Professor
    Asian Studies
    University of Redlands, CA, USA
    Alexander Lugg, Ph.D. Candidate
    Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
    Baolin Ma
    Houston, TX, USA
    Jean Ma, Assistant Professor
    Art and Art History
    Stanford University, CA, USA
    Professor Colin Mackerras
    Emeritus Professor, AO, Griffith Business School
    Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
    Rebecca MacKinnon, Assistant Professor
    Journalism & Media Studies Centre
    University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Professor John Makeham
    College of Asia and the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Professor Susan Mann
    History Department
    University of California, Davis, CA, USA
    Maria Rita Masci, translator of contemporary Chinese literature
    Rome, Italy
    Dr. James Matthews, Geologist
    Total, Exploration and Production
    Pau, France
    Carol C. Mattusch, Mathy Professor of Art History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Rachel May, editor and translator
    Canberra, Australia
    Dr. Lewis Mayo, Lecturer in Chinese Studies
    Asia Institute
    University of Melbourne, Australia
    Edward McCord, Associate Professor of History and International Affairs
    Director, Taiwan Education and Research Program
    Elliott School of International Affairs
    George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA
    Dr. Edward McDonald
    School of Asian Studies
    University of Auckland, New Zealand
    Anne McLaren, Associate Professor
    Asia Institute, Chinese Language and Culture Studies
    University of Melbourne, Australia
    Joseph T. Miller, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Political Science
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Professor John Minford
    Head, China Centre, College of Asia & the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Professor Brian Moloughney
    Head of the School of Languages and Cultures
    Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
    Michelle S. Mood, Visiting Assistant Professor
    Political Science and International Studies
    Kenyon College, OH, USA
    Professor Andrew Morris
    Professor and Department Chair, History Department
    California Polytechnic State University, CA, USA
    Dr. Katherine Morton
    Department of International Relations
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Dr. Russell Leigh Moses
    Dean, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies
    Beijing, China
    Marc L. Moskowitz
    Visual Anthropology Review Editor, American Anthropologist
    Acting Director of Asian Studies, Department of Anthropology
    University of South Carolina, SC, USA
    Robb Moss, Filmmaker
    Rudolf Arnheim Lecturer on Filmmaking
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Mu Aili, Assistant Professor
    Iowa State University, IA, USA
    Marco Mueller, Director
    Venice International Film Festival, Venice, Italy
    Alfreda Murck, independent scholar
    Beijing, China
    Dr. Mary Ann Murphy
    Associate Professor, Communication Studies
    Director of the Center for Community Outreach at
    Dyson College and Project Pericles at Pace
    Pace University, NY, USA
    Julia K. Murray, Professor of Art History
    University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
    Gaby Naher
    Chair, Sydney PEN Writers in Prison Committee
    Sydney, Australia
    Rebecca Nedostup, Associate Professor of Chinese History
    Boston College, MA, USA
    Jennifer M. Neighbors, Assistant Professor
    History Department and Asian Studies Program
    University of Puget Sound, WA, USA
    Simon T M Ng
    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Joe Nieh, Writer, columnist
    Hong Kong
    Danny Nikolovski, Technical Records
    Airworthiness Compliance & Maintenance Contracts
    Qantas Engineering Services, Sydney, Australia
    Professor Michael Nylan
    Chinese History
    University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Tim Oakes, Associate Professor and Chair
    Department of Geography
    University of Colorado, CO, USA
    Judith Pabian, Head, Research Grants Office
    College of Asia and the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Scott Pacey, Ph.D. Candidate
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Professor John N. Paden, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of International Studies
    Co-Director, Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Professor William Paden
    Department of Religion
    University of Vermont, VT, USA
    Paola Paderni, Press Attaché
    Italian Embassy, Beijing, China
    Eric Pelzl, Instructor of Mandarin Chinese
    Wisconsin Lutheran College, WI, USA
    Richard Pe?a, Program Director
    The Film Society of Lincoln Center
    New York, NY, USA
    Xiaojia Peng, artist
    New Hampshire, USA
    Dr. Benjamin Penny
    Chair, ANU China Institute, Fellow, History of China
    Division of Pacific and Asian History
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies,
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Stephen Philion, Assistant Professor
    Department of Sociology and Anthropology
    St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, USA
    Andrew Pike, Managing Director
    Ronin Films, Australia
    Dr. Brian Platt, Associate Professor and Chair
    Department of History and Art History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Judy Polumbaum, Professor
    School of Journalism & Mass Communication
    The University of Iowa, IA, USA
    Professor Kenneth Pomeranz, Chancellor's Professor of History
    University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
    Qiao Huizhen, Director (Retired)
    Beijing Review, Spanish edition
    Bradly W. Reed, Associate Professor
    Department of History
    University of Virginia, VA, USA
    B. Ruby Rich, Professor & Chair
    Community Studies Department
    & Social Documentation Program
    University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    Jeffrey L. Richey, Ph.D.
    Director, Asian Studies Program
    Berea College, KY, USA
    Dr. Richard Rigby, Executive Director
    ANU China Institute, Australia
    Sidney Rittenberg, Sr., Visiting Professor of China Studies
    Pacific Lutheran University, WA, USA
    William Riukas
    New York, NY, USA
    Martin Rivlin
    New York, NY, USA
    Dr. Claire Roberts
    Research Fellow, Division of Pacific and Asian Studies
    RSPAS, The Australian National University, Australia
    Moss Roberts, Professor of Chinese
    New York University, NY, USA
    Professor Lisa Rofel
    Chair, Department of Anthropology
    University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    Carlos Rojas, Assistant Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies
    Duke University, NC, USA
    Lester Ross
    WilmerHale, Beijing Office
    Beijing, China
    Madelyn Ross, Director, China Initiatives
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Haun Saussy, Bird White Housum Professor of Comparative Literature
    Yale University, CT, USA
    Scott Savitt, Research Fellow, Chinese Media Studies Program
    Duke University, NC, USA
    Sigrid Schmalzer, Assistant Professor
    University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
    Dr. R. Keith Schoppa, Professor/Doehler Chair in Asian History
    Loyola College in Maryland, MD, USA
    Susan Schulze, Ph.D.
    History and Art History Department
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Professor Mary Scott
    San Francisco State University, CA, USA
    Professor Mark Selden
    Cornell University, NY, USA
    Hugh Shapiro, Associate Professor of Chinese History
    University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA
    Dajun Shen (Sang Ye), Research Fellow
    College of Asia & the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Victor Shih, Assistant Professor of Political Science
    Northwestern University, IL, USA
    Mark Sidel, Professor of Law, Faculty Scholar, and Lauridsen Family Fellow
    University of Iowa, IA, USA
    Sim Chi Yin, China Correspondent, Beijing Bureau
    The Straits Times, Singapore
    S.A. Smith
    European University Institute
    Florence, Italy
    Matthew H. Sommer, Associate Professor of Chinese History
    Stanford University, CA, USA
    Song Shaopeng, Associate Professor
    Renmin University of China
    Howard R. Spendelow, Associate Professor of History
    Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
    Course Chair for China Advanced Area Studies, Foreign Service Institute
    George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center
    Arlington, VA, USA
    Naomi Standen, Senior Lecturer in Chinese History
    School of Historical Studies
    Newcastle University, UK
    Anne Marie Stein, Dean of Professional and Continuing Education
    Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MA, USA
    Hans Steinmüller, Ph.D. candidate
    Department of Anthropology
    London School of Economics, UK
    David Stoll, Associate Professor of Anthropology
    Middlebury College, VT, USA
    Professor David Strand, Charles A. Dana Chair of Political Science and East Asian Studies
    Dickinson College, PA, USA
    Andrew Strominger, Professor of Physics
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Dr. Warren Sun
    Chinese Studies Program
    Monash University, Australia
    Dr. Li Tana, Senior Fellow
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Harold M. Tanner
    Department of History
    University of North Texas, TX, USA
    Dr. Jeremy Taylor, Lecturer, School of East Asian Studies
    University of Sheffield, England
    Professor Frederick Teiwes, Emeritus Professor of Chinese Politics at the University of Sydney
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Dr. Greg M. Thomas, Associate Professor
    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Saul Thomas, Ph.D. Candidate
    Department of Anthropology
    University of Chicago, IL, USA
    Neil Thompson
    New York, NY, USA
    Ellen Wiley Todd, Associate Professor, Art History
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Maureen Todhunter
    Griffith University, Australia
    Dr. Luigi Tomba, co-editor, The China Journal
    Department of Political and Social Change
    College of Asia & the Pacific
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Dr. Jasmine Tong, Assistant Professor of Translation
    Lingnan University, Hong Kong
    Nhung Tuyet Tran
    Canada Research Chair in Southeast Asian History
    Assistant Professor, Department of History
    University of Toronto, Canada
    Professor James Trefil, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Physics
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    JB Treseler, teacher
    Dr. Sue Trevaskes, Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute
    Griffith University, Australia
    Steve Tsang, Fellow and University Reader in Politics
    St Antony's College
    Oxford University, UK
    Professor Jonathan Unger
    Contemporary China Centre
    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
    The Australian National University, Australia
    Dr. Paola Voci, Senior Lecturer
    Department of Languages and Cultures
    University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
    Ezra F. Vogel, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, Emeritus and former director, Fairbank Center
    Harvard University, MA, USA
    Joanna Waley-Cohen, Collegiate Professor of Chinese History
    Department of History
    New York University, NY, USA
    Dr. Aihe Wang, Associate Professor
    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Professor Ban Wang
    East Asian Studies and Comparative Literature
    Stanford University, CA, USA
    Hongying Wang, Director, East Asia Program
    The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    Syracuse University, NY, USA
    Wang Lixiong, writer
    Beijing, China
    Mei Wang, Assistant Professor of Finance and Financial Markets
    Swiss Banking Institute
    University of Zurich, Switzerland
    Ruike Wang, student
    Ohio Wesleyan University, OH, USA
    Wang Zheng, Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Women's Studies Department
    University of Michigan, MI, USA
    Ding Xiang Warner, Associate Professor of Chinese Literature
    Cornell University, NY, USA
    Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, Professor of History
    University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
    Wei Wei, writer
    Manchester, UK
    Sasha Su-Ling Welland, Assistant Professor
    Anthropology & Women Studies
    University of Washington, WA, USA
    Raymond Wiest, Professor Emeritus
    Department of Anthropology
    University of Manitoba, Canada
    Teresa Wright, Professor and Graduate Coordinator
    Department of Political Science
    California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA
    Professor Tim Wright, Professor of Chinese Studies
    School of East Asian Studies and White Rose East Asia Centre
    The University of Sheffield, UK
    Dr. Guoguang Wu, Chair in China and Asia-Pacific Relations
    Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
    University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada
    Wu Yi-Li, Associate Professor of History
    Chair, International Studies Program
    Albion College, MI, USA
    Anne Xu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chinese
    Department of Classical and Modern Language
    Austin College, TX, USA
    Guobin Yang, Associate Professor
    Asian/Middle Eastern Cultures
    Barnard College, Columbia University, NY, USA
    Professor Mayfair Yang
    Director, Asian Studies Program
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Rae Yang, Associate Professor
    East Asian Studies Department
    Dickinson College, PA, USA
    Walt G. Yang, student
    Dr. Mike Yao, Assistant Professor of Media and Communication
    City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Weili Ye, Professor of History and Women's Studies
    University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, USA
    Catherine Yeh, Associate Professor
    Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
    Boston University, MA, USA
    Sam Zhiguang Yin, Ph.D. Candidate
    Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
    President, Cambridge International Forum for Development
    University of Cambridge, UK
    Marilyn Young, Professor of History
    New York University, NY, USA
    Zang Dongsheng, Assistant Professor of Law
    University of Washington School of Law, WA, USA
    Dr. Peter Zarrow
    Institute of Modern History
    Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
    Elya J. Zhang, Assistant Professor in History
    Fordham University, NY, USA
    Dr. Jing Zhang, Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Culture
    New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL, USA
    Karl Zhang, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director of Chinese Program
    Department of Modern and Classical Language
    Academic Director, Confucius Institute
    George Mason University, VA, USA
    Zhong Xueping, Assistant Professor
    Tufts University, MA, USA


    原“六四”学生运动领袖柴玲以及由她担任总裁的Jenzabar公司起诉纪录片“天安门”制作人一事,最近再次引起公众的关注。事情的起因是,波士顿 "Long Bow Group"公司1995年发行的纪录片“天安门”中引用了美国记者康宁汉对柴玲的一段采访,其中几段讲话颇为引起争议。
    2007年,柴玲和美国丈夫开创的Jenzabar公司以诽谤和侵犯商誉为由起诉了"Long Bow Group"公司。美国法庭去年8月撤销了诽谤案,但是侵犯商标案仍在继续进行。最近,"Long Bow Group"公司以言论自由为由在网上发起联署签名,目前已经有来自世界各地上百名学者和专家支持响应。


     89年六四事件前学运领袖柴玲控告纪录片《天安门》(The Gate of Heavenly Peace)的制作公司侵害其声誉及公司商誉再引起争议,近百的学者联名声援言论自由。也有前学运领袖表示理解,至于柴玲用法律的手段维护自己的权益,与过去的历史切割外界有不同看法。(何山报道)
     柴玲2007年5月在美国波士顿入禀法院,以诽谤和侵犯商誉,起诉描述 “六四天安门事件”的纪录片《天安门》的制作公司(the Long Bow Group),再次引公众的关注。过百名来自美国、英国、欧洲的中外学者,在网上发表联署声明,为《天安门》的作者撑腰,当中包括来自北京的作家王力雄及人民大学的教授。
    而李海说,柴玲用诉讼的方式,使自己与过去的历史切割,法庭一旦出现 “扒粪”的现象,效果难以预料,可能适得其反。他说:“这本身就是一个过程,可以回答,让我知道是甚么一会事。比如说,经过这个诉讼,今年或连续的诉讼,通过一个案例告诉我们是怎么一会事。但他们都要出钱了,双方都要浪费一些金钱和时间。这个过程,或许用能给我们一些好的东西。”

王丹致香大第二封信:我们对柴玲,应当更公正一些 (图)



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发表于 6-2-2009 18:17:04 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名



【 在 bridged (断桥:万事俱备就缺技术) 的大作中提到: 】
:     纪录片《天安门》的美国长弓纪录片制作组因为柴玲的控告,他们正遭受可能被耗尽资财而倒闭。美国是个言论自由至高无上的国家,柴玲能胜诉吗?这场诉讼给 20年的纪念活动带来什么影响?诉讼有无其它动机?以下是此事件三个相关内容:
:     1、王力雄支持《天安门》制作人的感想
:     2、《天安门》制作人的呼吁书和签名名单
:     3、封丛德的信以及柴玲方呼吁签名的声明和签名名单
: ...................

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发表于 6-2-2009 18:27:43 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名



【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: 恶意诽谤,显然不属言论自由范畴,自然也应该付出相应的代价。
: 【 在 bridged (断桥:万事俱备就缺技术) 的大作中提到: 】
: :     纪录片《天安门》的美国长弓纪录片制作组因为柴玲的控告,他们正遭受可能被耗尽资财而倒闭。美国是个言论自由至高无上的国家,柴玲能胜诉吗?这场诉讼给 20年的纪念活动带来什么影响?诉讼有无其它动机?以下是此事件三个相关内容:
: ...................

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发表于 6-2-2009 18:37:47 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名



【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你怎么判断是不是恶意诽谤
: 【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 恶意诽谤,显然不属言论自由范畴,自然也应该付出相应的代价。
: : ...................


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发表于 6-2-2009 18:41:22 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名


是否丑化 是个主观判断吧

制作方完全可以说 我是基于自己所拥有的材料,

【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: 只要看制作方是否有剪裁、捏造材料以到达丑化对方的行为即可。
: 【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 你怎么判断是不是恶意诽谤

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发表于 6-2-2009 18:45:39 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名



【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是否丑化 是个主观判断吧
: 制作方完全可以说 我是基于自己所拥有的材料,
: 从自己认为客观的视角去叙述这个事件
: 【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 只要看制作方是否有剪裁、捏造材料以到达丑化对方的行为即可。


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发表于 6-2-2009 18:47:51 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名


还有 丑化 属于主观意愿吧
制作方如果对某些人持保留态度 或者说有一定的偏见 那么这个也算丑化?

【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那就让他把原始材料都搬出来好了。
: 【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 是否丑化 是个主观判断吧
: : 制作方完全可以说 我是基于自己所拥有的材料,
: : 从自己认为客观的视角去叙述这个事件

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 楼主| 发表于 6-2-2009 18:50:48 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名




【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: 还有 丑化 属于主观意愿吧
: 制作方如果对某些人持保留态度 或者说有一定的偏见 那么这个也算丑化?
: 【 在 penzer (penzer) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 那就让他把原始材料都搬出来好了。


※ 来源:.一路BBS yilubbs.com.[FROM:]

※ 修改:.bridged 于 Jun  2 22:51:29 修改本文.[FROM:]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-3-2009 02:56:39 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名


封从德早就写了《天安门之争》剖析 carma hinton 的影片的错误。



最难证明的是动机。不过封从德的书也从逻辑矛盾中试图证明 carma hinton 的诽谤动机。

柴玲,吾尔开希,王丹们,有没有错?肯定有错。但绝不是戴晴,刘晓波,梁晓燕,吴国光,carma hinton 们所指控的错。他们的谎言,其实恰恰赞助黑帮暴政。




【 在 bridged 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得法律手段很难,你说把柴玲的话剪裁误导算不算丑化?这个我真的不知道。因为不可能不剪裁,但隐隐又觉得,这样剪裁明显是为了表达制片人自己的意思,而不是表达柴本身的意思。法律并不能判断这种东西。
: 我觉得封从德写一篇剖析的文章就行了,就怕写不出来,因为年代过去太久,大家不早已对当时的文化、心态生疏了,讲起来就复杂了。:)
: (以下引言省略...)

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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-3-2009 04:00:03 | 只看该作者

Re: 柴玲状告《天安门》制作组,双方发起签名



【 在 lihlii (立里) 的大作中提到: 】
: 封从德早就写了《天安门之争》剖析 carma hinton 的影片的错误。
: 我也反对柴玲用诉讼的方式解决,这不可能得到解决。在美国,诽谤案是非常难成立的,要求很高。而且你看这个长弓组织,还会哭诉,装成一个可怜人的样子,赢得无数教授学者的支持。而恰恰柴玲一方被污损了几十年,势单力薄。
: 你只要看那些走狗奴才的谎言,多半会引证这一影片,这已经构成诽谤的后果事实。
: ...................

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