(5) Korea: A Stalinist Soap Opera With Real Bullets. Strategy Page, Dec 13, 2013
("What haunts the communist bureaucrats who run North Korea and China is the local history of spontaneous mass uprisings that can overthrow police states. It’s happened over the past few thousand years. The people may not want a revolution just now in China or North Korea, but the people may, like the communist subjects of Eastern Europe and Russia did starting in 1989, just start saying “enough” and doing the impossible. That scenario is also threatening to play out in North Korea. There an even harsher socialist dictatorship has threatened a key portion of China’s defensive strategy by coming closer to collapse. China wants buffer states on its borders to keep potential foes as far as possible from the heartland")
(6) Submarines: Son Of Tomahawk Takes It Slow. Strategy Page, Dec 13, 2013
("The US Navy recently launched a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) from a submarine. This was done using much of the same tech used to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles from torpedo tubes, the XFC UAV deploys larger wings than a Tomahawk and is apparently more maneuverable and moves much more slowly (54-93 kilometers an hour versus 880 kilometers an hour for the Tomahawk). Thus while the Tomahawk only stays in the air for about two hours the XFC can remain in the air for over eight hours and uses propeller propulsion and not a jet engine. The XFC is powered by electricity, from a fuel cell rather than a battery. The XFC made its first flight in 2009 and may enter service in a few years is [sic; should be "if"] the navy perceives a real need")
(a) Daniel Parry, Navy Launches UAV from Submerged Submarine. Naval Research Lab (NRL), US avy, Dec 5, 2013.
www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-rele ... submerged-submarine
Naval Research Lab, US avy, Dec 5, 2013.
(b) Perhaps Sea Robin XFC is a secret research program, so the only photos in the Web are those two released by NRL.
Dick Thompson, NRL's XFC UAS Achieves Flight Endurance Milestone. NRL, Aug 6, 2009.
http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/ne ... endurance-milestone