Vivian Yee and Jeffrey E Singer, The Death of a Family, and an American Dream. New York Times, Dec 30, 2013 (front page) ... american-dream.html
"After American soil had covered his family’s coffins, Yilin ZHUO 卓依林[,41,] had nothing left to stay for. In early December, he abandoned his adopted home, Brooklyn, for the Chinese village he had come from two decades ago.
"His [murder suspect Mindong CHEN's 陈闽东] father, Chen Yixiang, had paid nearly $100,000 to his son’s smugglers, and still owes half that to lenders, he said. 'I will never be able to see my son again,' the father said, speaking from China. 'I am worse off than my son is now. My head is a mess.'