VOA Chinese, Feb 27, 2014.
(a) "华盛顿政策性刊物《国家利益》(National Interest)最新一期发表一篇题为《美国对南中国海的立场日趋强硬》的文章说,白宫可能已经对中国最近在东中国海和南中国海 '香肠切片' 式的做法失去耐心。文章指出,过去几个星期白宫官员在这个问题上 '日渐强硬' 的言论表明,美国有在南中国海划设 '红线' 的迹象,以遏阻北京的'进一步蚕食。'
(b) "上海政法学院国际事务与公共管理系教授倪乐雄教授认为,中国是否决定设立南中国海防空识别区主要是看是否有必要,美国的恐吓不是主要因素。这位中国学者强调,北京有自己的战略考量,主要是不想把越南逼上绝路。
(a) The report cites
Robert Haddick, Getting Tough in the South China Sea. National Interest, Feb 25, 2014
("Robert Haddick is an independent contractor at U.S. Special Operations Command")
This seems to be a blog, not published in a hard copy.
(b) Well, I might have believed in National Interest more, had it not published, in a hard copy no less:
John J Mearsheimer, Say Goodbye to Taiwan. National Interest, March/April 2014.
A couple of days ago I rolled my eyes and forced myself to finish the article. This thinking has been around since 1949.