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发表于 11-1-2014 15:27:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
杰安迪, 台湾成为亚洲同性恋平权运动的灯塔. 纽约时报中文网, Oct 31, 2014

, which is translated from

Andrew Jacobs, For Asia’s Gays, Taiwan Stands out as Beacon. New York Times, Oct 30, 2014
(“Religious life here, for the most part, is dominated by Buddhism and Taoism, faiths with little doctrinal resistance to homosexuality. Although they make up less than 5 percent of Taiwan’s 23 million people, Christians have formed the bulwark of the opposition”)

(a) “Carrying a handmade placard from Beijing’s gay and lesbian community center above his head, James Yang could barely advance along the parade route because so many strangers wanted to be photographed by his side. * * * Mr Yang, 39, the center’s director of development”
(i) NYTimes translation: 杨震, 北京同志中心的发展负责人
(ii) 北京同志中心  The Beijing LGBT Center, undated
("敬请期待[:] 您好,北京同志中心官网正在进行全面翻新中")

(b) “In addition to scores of bars, clubs and gay bookstores, one well-trod tourist attraction is a Taoist shrine dedicated to a rabbit deity — based on an 18th-century Qing dynasty official who was said to be gay — who has become something of a patron saint to gay worshipers seeking good fortune.”
(i) 威明堂兔兒神殿
(大爺歷史: 兔兒神 胡天保 大爺--袁枚, 子不語: "今陰官封我為兔兒神,專司人間男悅男之事,可為我立廟招香火"; 盧威明 大師; 台北縣永和市)

was established in 2011. The website does not explain why 胡天保
(ii) In Taiwan, after registration with government, anybody can open a religious place and collects tithings.
(iii) Freedom of religion in Taiwan
("Registered religious organizations operate on a tax-free basis and are required to submit annual reports of their financial operations. The only ramification for nonregistration is the forfeiture of the tax advantages that are available for registered religious organizations. There were no reports that the authorities have sought to deny registration to new religions")

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