中沢克二, 中国、権力闘争の様相 周永康氏逮捕へ. 日本経済新聞, Dec 7, 2014.
(a) First and foremost is a graphic, displaying relationship between the power figures (or former ones).
(i) 薄熙来 "対抗" 習近平
(ii) 習近平 "追及" ["hound" as verb] 周永康
(iii) 胡锦涛 "薄, 周両氏 の 追及では 連携" 習近平 ("連携": coordinate, cooperate)
(iv) 習近平 "対立は避ける" [avoid a confrontation] 江沢民
(v) 江沢民 "かつての 後ろ盾" 周永康 (かつて《曾て》(n): past)
(b) BBC: “事实上一年前已决定如何处分周永康,只是尽可能寻找罪名巩固裁判"
Nikkei: "既に1年前に最高機関が事実上、意思決定し、あらゆる [all, every] 罪を探して [probing] 裁く方向が固まって [becoming certain] いたのだ。
(c) Nikkei (but NOT BBC): "無期懲役となった薄熙来・元重慶市党委員会書記は公安・武装警察を束ねる周氏と組み、習氏のトップ就任を阻もうと動いたとされる。党内で「暗殺計画もあった」との噂まで流れる中、習氏も甘い顔はできなかった。「潰さなければ、いつか潰される」。これは中国の政治史の常識だ。"
translation: It is believed that [とされる] Bo Xilai (former party chief in Chongqing) combined [組み] with Mr Zhou (in charge of public safety and armed police) to have moved [動いた] to prevent [阻] Mr Xi's ascent [就任] to the top [トップ]. Amid the intra-party circulation of rumors [噂] to the extent of existence of assassination plan, Xi can not afford to be lenient. If I do not crush him, one day/in due course [いつか] I will be crushed--such is the common sense in China's political history.
* amai ka-o o suru 甘い顔をする 【あまいかおをする】 (phrase): "to go easy on somebody; to be easygoing; to be lenient"
(d) BBC: “一年来,处分周永康遭遇阻碍,主要是推举周永康的前国家主席江泽民等长老警惕反腐侵犯他们的利益,10月前后江泽民三次露面正是党内长老的‘示威行动,’ 以至于四中全会也没能宣布处分。”
This is an abbrviated translation of three consecutive paragraphs:
(i) "この1年、事件の処理は難航した。周氏は江沢民・元国家主席が07年の党大会で最高指導部に押し込んだ江派の重鎮だ。江氏は表向き汚職調査に同意したが、自らに近い人物らの完全な失脚は政治的な影響力低下につながると憂慮する。他の長老も習氏の「反腐敗」が一族の権益を侵しかねないと不安視していた。"
translation: "In the past year, how to handle the affair is a rough going [literal: difficult flight]. Mr Zhou was a heavyweight of Jiang's faction, crammed [押し込んだ] into top leadership in the 2007 CCP plenary headlined by former president Jiang Zemin. Although Mr Jiang ostensibly/ publicly /in outward appearance [表向き, which fundamentally is a noun] agreed to the corruption investigation, he worries [the trend will] lead to [につながる, or に繋がる/接続る] his loss of political influence when people close to him utterly loses their footing [many meanings, one of which is 'be overthrown']. Other elders, it is seen, are uneasy that Mr Xi's anti-graft campaign is capable of [かねない] encroaching on the privilege of their clans.
(ii) "今夏、身を潜めていた江氏は、10月1日の国慶節(建国記念日)前後、3度も表舞台に登場した。音楽会を習氏と並んで鑑賞し、パーティーに出席。数日後には国家博物館を視察した。江氏の背後には年老いた側近らが控えており、党内では長老らの不満を体現した「示威行動」と見る向きが多かった。"
translation: This summer, Mr Jiang, who has been secluded (literal: has hidden/concealed himself], around Oct 1 National Day appeared in the front stage [表舞台] three times: together with Mr Xi in a concert, attended a party (function), and inspected national museum days later. While olden close advisers/ braintrust [側近] behind Mr Jiang are refraining (themselves) /holding back [控え], there are many signs that [we] see this as a show of force [示威] manifesting unhappiness among party elders.
(iii) "習氏も長老らの声に押されて慎重に事を運ばざるをえなかった。10月の党中央委員会第4回全体会議(4中全会)は「法治」がテーマだったものの、周氏の処分を見送った。通常、11月末に開く政治局会議も周氏の問題の事前調整に手間がかかり、遅れたもようだ。
translation: "Mr Xi has no choice but to [ざるを得ない 【ざるをえない】] move carefully, having been pressed [押されて] by the voices of elders. Despite rule of law as the theme of October's 4中全会, [Xi] shelved [literal: watch the the plan to discipline r Zhou. Usually held at the end of November, the meeting was likely put off, to get enough time [手間] for fine-tuning [調整] before-hand.
* mi-okuru 見送る 【みおくる】 (v): "(2) to follow something with one's eyes until it is out of sight; (3) to let pass; to pass up (an opportunity etc.); to let a pitch go by (baseball); (4) to shelf (a plan etc); to postpone"
(e) "ようやく開いた5日の政治局会議の決定を既に土曜日になっていた6日午前0時に発表したのも極めて異例だ。異論を押さえ込むため慎重な取り扱いが必要だった経緯が透けて見える。"
translation: At last [ようやく] the meeting was held on the fifth. When the decision of politburo meeting came down, it was already [既に] Saturday [Dec 6, 2014], and announced at midnight [between Friday and Saturday] , which is very exceptional/ unprecedented [異例, which is a noun in fact]. This can be seen as: to aim [ため] at suppressing the dissent [異論], the necessity of careful handling showed through/is revealing [itself; 透け].
* osa-e-komu 押さえ込む【おさえこむ】 (v): "to pin down; to immobilize; to control; to suppress"
(f) BBC: "报道分析说,'有了追究最高领导层罪行的前例,习近平将来引退后也不能安泰,所以本来在十七大可能看出的习近平接班人选也将会更难,预计习近平今后会在巩固权力的基础上,挑选决不容反叛的下一代高层人物,周永康事件是这一前哨战。'"
It (translation) is correct. But the Japanese report does point out 2017 for 十七大. (For an outsider, I did not know it when I read the BBC report, though I could guess that it might be five years after Xi was formally installed.)