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发表于 12-12-2014 08:02:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 江迅, 港諜疑案王善勇出面澄清. 《大公報》前助理總編王善勇被多份港媒指控為台諜並已逃到台灣;自稱人在加拿大的王善勇力斥「間諜」之說為謠言,稱只因為家庭原因辭職,將向相關媒體追究責任,要求賠償. 亞洲週刊, Dec 21, 2014 (cover date; on market Dec 11)
www.yzzk.com/cfm/content_archive ... mp;docissue=2014-50

Note: "關於他是所謂間諜的最早消息,來自這家媒體的一篇題為《官媒點名三台諜策反陸生》的長篇報道,在這篇文章的結尾,用不足一百字語焉不詳地寫到"

官媒點名三台諜策反陸生; 高調曝光個人資料 台國安局否認. 明報, Oct 28, 2014 (behind a pay wall).

(2) Jason Pan, Case of HK ‘Journalist-Spy-Defector’ Still Mystery. Taipei Times, Dec 12, 2014.


"In the latest development, Wang issued a statement through the Yazhou Zhoukan weekly yesterday, in which he denied that he was a Chinese spy working for Taiwan, that he left Hong Kong on 'family matters' and is currently in Canada. However, the statement’s authenticity could not be verified

"A spokesperson for the Military Intelligence Bureau, where Wang was reportedly being debriefed and detained, told the Taipei Times yesterday that he could not confirm Wang’s whereabouts, and said that the case was not being handled at the bureau.

"Hong Kong’s press said Wang was being debriefed by Taiwanese intelligence. It was also reported that he was turned after making numerous visits to Taiwan during the 1980s as a senior Hong Kong journalist. On one of the visits, Wang met a female Taiwanese agent, surnamed Lin (林), who induced him the to secretly work for Taiwan and pass on useful intelligence, while still acting as an agent for China.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report.

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