VOA Chinese, Feb 26, 2015.
My comment:
(a) The original
大清 '裸官' 庆亲王的作风问题. 中纪委网站, Feb 26, 2015.
(i) 庆亲王
(section 2 庆亲王世系图)
(ii) 奕劻
(1838-1917; 1st 內閣總理大臣 1911-1911, head of 外務部 (1901-1911), head of 總理各國事務衙門 (1884-1901))
(c) "庆亲王到底A了多少钱?文章援引英国泰晤士报记者莫里循 [George Ernest Morrison; 1862-1920; Australian] 所披露的消息说:他银行存款高达712.5万英镑。'稍早,简爱 [Jane Eyre, protagonist of a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), published 1847] 小姐在桑菲尔德庄园 Thornfield Hall 做家庭教师,年薪30英镑,生活就比较体面了;达尔文买了一栋带花园的豪宅,不过2000英镑。'”
(d) "在科学网上,网友杜立志发博客说:各位,清末腐败著名,腐败官员无计其数,中纪委为何专门刊文,独独如此具体地针对一个庆亲王奕劻,这个是不是太具体了点?难道是有具体的对应?尤其是老佛爷的那句话,简直就是三百两的银票树在那里。"
I google "三百两的银票树" and this particular report is the only return with that term. So, most likely, the 树 is not a noun by a verb--judging from the context.
(e) "杜立志说:'说心里话,若真的有比方便面更大的老虎被打.'
康师傅方便面 = 周永康
(f) "还有网友说:'我猜是曾*hong,或宝二爷。' 有新浪网友的相关跟帖被网管屏蔽,其中一个说:新豪哥://@蒂罗尔的天空: 温字不禁止了吗?//@吕永岩: //@钟馗何惧鬼唱歌:瘴疠不除,国无宁日!"
(i) "@钟馗何惧鬼唱歌" is, I guess, a Twitter handle (ie, username). But Twitter is banned in China, so it must be something similar to Twitter.
(ii) "瘴疠不除,国无宁日"
I google the whole, the each half, and nothing IDENTICAL returned. I presume 瘴疠 = 温. A Taiwanese website has "瘴癘瘟疫."
(h) Almost nobody in Taiwan would have heard of this name. I was unaware of him until today. China has a lot of things that Taiwanese are unfamiliar with. |