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Mexico Has More Free Trade Agreements Than US

发表于 3-18-2015 11:01:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-18-2015 14:46 编辑

Dudley Althaus and William Boston, Trade Pacts Gives Mexico the Edge; Auto makers flock to country as export deals help it beat out American South for new plants. Wall Street Journal, Mar 18, 201
www.wsj.com/articles/why-auto-ma ... -the-u-s-1426645802


"While the bulk of Mexico’s auto exports go to the US and Canada, its partners in the North American Free Trade Agreement, auto makers increasingly are turning to Mexico as a platform for selling world-wide [because, for example, it is duty free between Mexico and Eurozone].

"The wave of investment has turned Mexico into the world’s seventh-largest producer of cars—it passed Brazil last year—and the fourth-largest exporter after Germany, Japan and South Korea. Mexico has just eclipsed Japan to become the No 2 supplier of vehicles to the US market after Canada. Industry analysts see Mexico’s current annual production of 3.2 million cars and light trucks rising more than 50% to five million by 2018. That would still be far below [current] US annual production of 11.4 million. Of these, six Southeastern states produce about 3.9 million.

Note: View only the graphics. The ranking is by volume (number of cars) in each nation, regardless of the nationality of auto makers.

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