本帖最后由 choi 于 3-19-2015 10:43 编辑
VOA Chinese, Mar 19, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/gao-w ... 150319/2686476.html
"3月5日,曾任曾庆红秘书、后任中央政策研究室原副主任的施芝鸿,在两会期间出席全国政协小组讨论会时不避嫌疑,公开反击海外媒体把中纪委网站刊登的 ' "裸官" 庆亲王的作风问题' 一文过度解读为要打大大老虎曾庆红,并借阐述习近平提出的 '四个全面,' 提出要警惕告别 '三个代表' 迎 '四个全面' 挑拨性言论。 沈大伟说中共开明期从2000开始,到2008年止。高文谦说,2000年正是江泽民 '三个代表' 出炉的年份。 '虽然 "三个代表" 是个筐,什么都往里装,反正共产党把好事全代表了,但实际上是在试图淡化、松动共产党意识形态这个紧箍咒,把判断是非的标准放在生产力和人民群众上,那一段相对开明宽松。不管江泽民个人和家族如何,但在政治上提出 "三个代表," 如同赫鲁晓夫的全民党,虽然没有迈出实质性的一步,但至少是 "与时俱进," 值得肯定。”
(a) 高文謙
I mainly want to know where he is, China or somewhere else.
(b) "沈大伟表示,习近平高压控制会加速中共崩溃,因为他进一步背离了江泽民时代曾庆红的开明路线。 * * * 引人注目的是,沈大伟认为,是曾庆红而不是总书记江泽民,代表了这条能从某种程度上延缓共产党衰落的路线。"
My reading of David Shambaugh's WSJ essay is whatever China does or does not do, it--more specifically, CCP--will debacle, simply because no political party last more than 75 years. (What about North Korea? Nobody pays attention to it. Yet division of Korea occurred in 1945, four years before PRC was founded.)
(c) Regarding quotation 2. See David Shambaugh, The Coming Chinese Crackup. The endgame of communist rule has begun, argues a longtime China scholar. Xi Jinping’s campaign against dissent and corruption is only bringing the country closer to breaking point. Wall Street Journal, Mar 7, 2015
("His [Xi's] predecessors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, drew very different lessons from the Soviet collapse. From 2000 to 2008, they instituted policies intended to open up the system with carefully limited political reforms")
(d) "3月14日,香港《动向》杂志报道,2月26日,赵洪祝代表中纪委、中组部正式宣布对曾庆红立案审查。赵洪祝特别转达了王岐山对曾的三点忠告:现在是检查、交待的最后时机;不要抱幻想;不要走的太远。该文甚至被一些海外亲北京媒体转载。"
(i) The truth is the Hong Kong report is NOT republished ANYWHERE, despite 動向 magazine welcome it (generally speaking).
(ii) Here is the home page of the magazine
, whose cover story of the March issue is 曾慶紅立案審查; 多次大鬧中南海.
In the left column of the home age, click 目錄索引, and you will see the title of the article at issue:
程京萊, 中紀委對曾慶紅立案審查; 曾指政治迫害並將劉雲山一軍 拒申報家族資產揚言準備坐牢. 動向, March 2015, at page 6.
(e) "习近平是江曾在中共17大上推出来以对付胡锦涛的接班人李克强的。习近平为什么要把矛头对准他们呢?"
高文谦's answer is superficial, it sounds to me. After all, Mr Gao is in US, just like me.