Manuela Mesco, Tour of Sicily Includes Food, Wine and a Mafioso's Son; In between tastings, visitors hear how brutal boss was a doting father. Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2015 (front page). ... fia-boss-1434925162
(a) Palermo
(The Greeks named the city Panormus meaning 'complete port')
(i) Corleone
(ii) pronunciation
How Is 'Corleone' Supposed to Be Pronounced? Yahoo Answer, Apr 19, 2008 ... 080419192211AAKY8BB
(c) "donkey rides on Mount Etna"
Mount Etna
(Italian Etna, Sicilian Mungibeddu or a Muntagna, Latin Aetna; tallest active volcano on the European continent, currently 3,329 m (10,922 ft) high, one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity; section 1 Etymology)
(d) "The elder Mr Provenzano lived in hiding for 43 years, his son says in a rare 2012 interview with Italian television, with the final hideout near his birthplace, Corleone, according to the family lawyer. He ran his international criminal network mainly via directives typewritten on small pieces of paper—known as pizzini—to avoid any telephone or electronic communications, prosecutors say."
pizzino (noun masculine; plural: pizzini): "small slips of paper that the Sicilian Mafia uses for high-level communications"
(e) "Last September, [Boston-based tour operator] Overseas Adventure began organizing the talks for tour groups each week, paying Mr Provenzano an undisclosed sum to answer questions and hold forth about life as the son of a Mafioso."
hold forth: "to speak at length : EXPATIATE"